Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 22.09 RCW
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22.09.020Department authorityRules.
22.09.030Warehouse license or licenses required.
22.09.035Grain dealer license required, exception.
22.09.040Application for warehouse license.
22.09.045Application for grain dealer license.
22.09.050Warehouse license feesPenalty.
22.09.055Grain dealerExempt grain dealersLicense feesPenalty.
22.09.060Bond or certificate of deposit and insurance prerequisite to licenseExemption.
22.09.070Warehouse licensesIssuancePostingDuration.
22.09.075Grain dealer licensesIssuancePostingDuration.
22.09.090Bond requisitesCertificate of deposit or other securityAdditional securitySuspension of license for failure to maintain.
22.09.095Single bond by multiple applicants.
22.09.100BondsDurationRelease of suretyCancellation by surety.
22.09.110Casualty insurance requiredCertificate to be filed.
22.09.120InsuranceCancellation procedureSuspension of license.
22.09.130Rights and duties of warehouse operatorDuty to serveReceiptsSpecial binningUnsuitable commoditiesPut through commodities.
22.09.140Rights and duties of licenseesPartial withdrawalAdjustment or substitution of receiptLiability to third parties.
22.09.150Rights and duties of warehouse operatorDelivery of stored commoditiesDamages.
22.09.160Rights and duties of licenseesDisposition of hazardous commodities.
22.09.170Rights and duties of warehouse operatorSpecial disposition of commodities under written order.
22.09.175Presumptions regarding commoditiesApproval of contracts.
22.09.180Rights and duties of licenseesRecords, contentsItemized charges.
22.09.190Rights and duties of warehouse operatorRebates, preferences, etc., prohibited.
22.09.195Rights and duties of warehouse operatorRCW 22.09.190 inapplicable to contracts with governmental agencies.
22.09.200Rights and duties of licenseesReports to department.
22.09.220Rights and duties of licenseesPremises, construction and maintenance.
22.09.230Rights and duties of warehouse licenseesSignsUse of "Washington Bonded Warehouse."
22.09.240Rights and duties of warehouse operatorSchedule of ratesPostingRevision.
22.09.250Rights and duties of warehouse operatorUnlawful practices.
22.09.260Deposit of commodities unfit for human consumptionNotice.
22.09.290Warehouse receiptsRequired terms.
22.09.300Warehouse receiptsForms, numbering, printing, bondCompliance with Article 7 of Title 62A RCWConfiscation.
22.09.310Warehouse receiptsDealing in unauthorized receipts prohibitedPenalty.
22.09.320Warehouse receiptsLost or destroyed receipts.
22.09.330Scale weight tickets not precluded.
22.09.340Examination of receipts and commoditiesRequestFeeAccess to binsRecords and accountsOut-of-state offices.
22.09.345InspectionsNotice, when issuedFailure to comply, penaltyCourt orderCosts, expenses, attorneys' fees.
22.09.350Remedies of department on discovery of shortage.
22.09.361Seizure of commodities or warehouse operator's recordsDepartment dutiesWarehouse operator's remediesExpenses and attorneys' fees.
22.09.371Depositor's lien.
22.09.381Depositors' claims, processing by department.
22.09.391Depositor's lienLiquidation procedure.
22.09.405Grain indemnity fund programActivationIn lieu of other security.
22.09.411Grain indemnity fund programFund establishedContents, deposits, disbursements, use.
22.09.416Grain indemnity fund programAssessments.
22.09.421Grain indemnity fund programInitial assessmentEffect on preceding securityNew applicants for warehouse or grain dealer licenses.
22.09.426Grain indemnity fund programAnnual assessmentsLimitations.
22.09.431Grain indemnity fund programAdditional security.
22.09.436Grain indemnity fund programAdvisory committee.
22.09.441Grain indemnity fund programProcessing of claims.
22.09.446Grain indemnity fund programFailure to file claim in time.
22.09.451Grain indemnity fund programPayment limitations.
22.09.456Grain indemnity fund programAdditional payment limitations.
22.09.461Grain indemnity fund programPayment of claimsRestrictions, priority.
22.09.466Grain indemnity fund programDebt and obligation of grain dealer or warehouse operatorRecovery by director.
22.09.471Grain indemnity fund programProceedings against licensee.
22.09.520Deposits as bailments.
22.09.570Action on bond by directorAuthorizedGrounds.
22.09.580Action on bond by directorFailure of depositor creditor to file claim upon requestEffect.
22.09.590Action on bond by directorRecords as to depositor creditors missing or information incompleteEffect.
22.09.600Action on bond by directorPowers of director.
22.09.610Action on bond by directorWhen authorizedNew bond, when requiredPenalty for failure to file.
22.09.615Action by depositor upon licensee's bond.
22.09.620Payment for agricultural commodities purchasedTime requirements.
22.09.630Payment violationsRecovery by departmentCharges to depositors.
22.09.640Publication and distribution of list of licensed warehouses.
22.09.650Remedies of department as to stations.
22.09.660Emergency storage situationForwarding to other warehouses.
22.09.710Designation of inspection points and terminal warehouses.
22.09.720Grades and standards of commoditiesRegulations.
22.09.730Inspection or grading of commoditiesMethods.
22.09.740Inspection or grading of commoditiesFile samples, retention.
22.09.750Inspection or grading of commoditiesPowers and duties of inspectors at terminal warehousesRecordkeeping.
22.09.760Inspection or grading of commoditiesNo inspection if commodity is to be loaded into defective container.
22.09.770Inspection or grading of commoditiesUnlawful practicesPenalty.
22.09.780Inspection or grading of commodities.
22.09.790Inspection or grading of commoditiesFees and charges.
22.09.800Inspection or grading of commoditiesScales and weighing.
22.09.810Inspection or grading of commoditiesInspection of commodities shipped to or from places other than inspection points.
22.09.820Inspection or grading of commoditiesUnloading commodity without inspection or weighing.
22.09.830Grain inspection revolving fundHop inspection fundGrain warehouse audit account.
22.09.840Fumigated conveyances to be labeled.
22.09.850Railroads to provide side tracks and track scalesWeighing of cars.
22.09.860Police protection of terminal yards and tracks.
22.09.880Cooperation with governmental agencies and private associations.
22.09.890General penalty.
22.09.895Civil penalty.
22.09.900Continuation of rules adopted pursuant to repealed chapter.
22.09.910Savings1963 c 124.
22.09.920Construction as to Article 7 of Title 62A RCW.
22.09.930Effective date1963 c 124.
Commodity transactions: Chapter 21.30 RCW.