Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 28B.85 RCW
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28B.85.020Council's dutiesRule-making authority.
28B.85.030Current authorization required to offer or grant degreePenalty for violation.
28B.85.040Completion of program of study prerequisite to degreeApplication of chapter.
28B.85.050Council may require information.
28B.85.070Surety bondsSecurity in lieu of bondCancellation of bondNoticeClaims.
28B.85.080Suspension or modification of requirements authorized.
28B.85.095Council's authority to enforce complianceViolations.
28B.85.100ViolationsCivil penalties.
28B.85.120Actions resulting in jurisdiction of courts.
28B.85.130Educational recordsPermanent fileProtection.
28B.85.140Contracts voidableWhen.
28B.85.150Enforceability of debtsAuthority to offer degree required.
28B.85.160Actions to enforce chapterWho may bringRelief.
28B.85.170Injunctive reliefCouncil may seek.
28B.85.175Degree-granting institution requirementsConsumer protection act violations.
28B.85.180Violation of chapter unfair or deceptive practice under RCW 19.86.020.
28B.85.190Remedies and penalties in chapter nonexclusive and cumulative.
28B.85.220False academic credentialsUnlawful actsViolation of consumer protection actVenue.
28B.85.230Student achievement council tuition recovery trust fund.
28B.85.240Student achievement council tuition recovery trust fundState treasurer.
28B.85.902Effective date1986 c 136.
28B.85.905Validity of registration under prior laws.
28B.85.906Application of chapter to foreign degree-granting institution branch campuses.