Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 28C.04 RCW
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28C.04.390Worker retraining program fundsWorkforce training customer advisory committee.
28C.04.400Job skills programLegislative declaration and policy.
28C.04.410Job skills programDefinitions.
28C.04.420Job skills programGrantsReports.
28C.04.520Washington award for vocational excellenceIntent.
28C.04.525Washington award for vocational excellenceEstablishmentPurposes.
28C.04.530Washington award for vocational excellenceBoard's duties.
28C.04.535Washington award for vocational excellenceGranted annuallyNoticePresentation.
28C.04.540Washington award for vocational excellenceContributions.
28C.04.545Washington award for vocational excellenceFee waiversGrants.
28C.04.550Washington award for vocational excellenceWhen effective.
28C.04.600AIDS informationVocational schools.
AIDS information: Chapter 70.24 RCW.
Vocational agriculture educationService areasPrograms in local school districts: RCW 28A.300.090.