Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 35.81 RCW
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35.81.005Declaration of purpose and necessity.
35.81.030Encouragement of private enterprise.
35.81.040Formulation of workable program.
35.81.050Findings by local governing body requiredExercise of community renewal agency powers.
35.81.060Comprehensive planPreparationHearingApprovalModificationEffect.
35.81.070Powers of municipality.
35.81.080Eminent domain.
35.81.090Acquisition, disposal of real property in community renewal area.
35.81.095Selection of person to undertake redevelopment or rehabilitation of real property.
35.81.100BondsIssuanceForm, terms, payment, etc.Fund for excess property tax, excise tax.
35.81.110Bonds as legal investment, security.
35.81.115General obligation bonds authorized.
35.81.120Property of municipality exempt from process and taxes.
35.81.130Powers of public bodies.
35.81.140Conveyance to purchaser, etc., presumed to be in compliance with chapter.
35.81.150Exercise of community renewal project powers.
35.81.160Exercise of community renewal project powersAssignment of powersCommunity renewal agency.
35.81.170Discrimination prohibited.
35.81.180Restrictions against public officials or employees acquiring or owning an interest in project, contract, etc.
35.81.190Local improvement districtsEstablishmentSpecial assessmentsBonds.
35.81.200Local improvement districtsContent of notice.
35.81.910Short title.