Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 58.04 RCW
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58.04.003Definition of surveyor.
58.04.007Affected landowners may resolve dispute over location of a point or lineProcedures.
58.04.011Authorization to enter upon any land or waters for purpose of resolving dispute.
58.04.015Disturbing a survey monumentPenaltyCost.
58.04.020Suit to establish lost or uncertain boundariesMediation may be required.
58.04.030CommissionersSurvey and report.
58.04.040Proceedings, conduct ofCosts.
Cities and towns
jurisdiction over adjacent waters (boundaries adjacent to or fronting thereon): RCW 35.21.160.
proposed boundaries required on incorporation: Chapter 35.02 RCW.
actions to establish boundaries: Chapter 36.05 RCW.
boundaries: Chapter 36.04 RCW.
roads and bridgesEstablishmentMonuments at government survey corners: RCW 36.86.050.
survey map, field notes and profiles: RCW 36.81.060.
Dike or ditch as common boundary: RCW 85.28.140.
Diking and drainage districtsBoundaries: Title 85 RCW.
Fences: Chapter 16.60 RCW.
Flood control districtsBoundaries: Title 86 RCW.
Harbor line commission: RCW 79.115.010.
Public waterway districtsBoundaries: Chapter 91.08 RCW.
Reclamation districts of one million acresBoundaries to be fixed: RCW 89.30.082.
Relocation of inner harbor line: RCW 79.115.020.
Shellfish cultivation or other aquaculture useSurvey and boundary markers: RCW 79.135.140.
Soil conservationAnnexation of territoryBoundary change: RCW 89.08.180.
Survey of county boundaries: RCW 36.04.400.
Tidelands, shorelandsBoundary of shorelands when water lowered: RCW 79.125.500.