Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 70A.535 RCW
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70A.535.005FindingsIntent2021 c 317.
70A.535.025Carbon intensity in transportation fuelsStandards to reduce carbon intensityAdoption of rulesMonthly calculation.
70A.535.030Requirements for rules adopted under RCW 70A.535.025.
70A.535.040Rules adopted under RCW 70A.535.025 and 70A.535.030Exemptions for certain transportation fuels.
70A.535.050Rules adopted under RCW 70A.535.025 and 70A.535.030Generation of credits.
70A.535.060Adoption of rulesHarmonization with other statesStakeholder advisory panelReview of innovative technologiesReport requirements.
70A.535.070Producers or importers must register with the departmentTransfer of ownership of transportation fuelsDocumentationReporting of informationAdoption of rules.
70A.535.080Electric utilitiesUse of certain revenuesProvision of information to the department.
70A.535.090Reporting requirementsReport to the legislatureIndependent analysis.
70A.535.100Fuel supply forecast.
70A.535.110Forecast deferral.
70A.535.120Emergency deferral of compliance with carbon intensity standard.
70A.535.130FeeClean fuels program accountRule making to be conducted as provided in RCW 34.05.328.
70A.535.140Joint legislative audit and review committee analysis.
70A.535.150Alternative jet fuel.
70A.535.160Clean fuels transportation investment account.
70A.535.170Clean fuels credit account.