Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 73.36 RCW
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73.36.010Terms defined.
73.36.020Administrator party in interest in guardianship proceedingsNotice.
73.36.030Appointment of guardianNecessary when.
73.36.040GuardianNumber of wards permitted.
73.36.050GuardianAppointmentContents of petition.
73.36.060Guardian for minorAppointmentPrima facie evidence.
73.36.080Notice of petition.
73.36.090Guardian's bond.
73.36.100Accounting by guardianCopies of all proceedings to be furnished administrationHearings.
73.36.110Failure to accountPenalties.
73.36.120Compensation of guardian.
73.36.130Investment of fundsProcedure.
73.36.140Use of fundsProcedure.
73.36.150Purchase of real estateProcedure.
73.36.155Public recordsFree copies.
73.36.160Discharge of guardianFinal account.
73.36.165Commitment to veterans administration or other federal agency.
73.36.170Application of chapter to other guardianships of veterans.
73.36.180Construction of chapterUniformity.
73.36.190Short title.