Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 78.52 RCW
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78.52.001Declaration of purpose.
78.52.025Hearings and meetings of department.
78.52.030Employment of personnel.
78.52.031Conduct of hearingsEvidence.
78.52.032Hearing examiners.
78.52.033Failure of witness to attend or testifyContempt.
78.52.035Attorney for department.
78.52.037State oil and gas supervisorDeputy supervisorsEmployment of personnel.
78.52.040Duty and powers of departmentIn general.
78.52.050Rules, regulations, and ordersTime and place of hearingNotices.
78.52.070Hearing upon petitionTime for action.
78.52.100RecordsCopies as evidenceCopies to be furnished.
78.52.120Drilling permit requiredNotice.
78.52.125Environmental impact statement required when drilling affects surface waters of the stateDrilling may be denied, when.
78.52.130Waste prohibited.
78.52.140Carbon black and carbon productsPermit required.
78.52.150Investigations authorized.
78.52.155InvestigationsPowers and duties.
78.52.200Development units authorized for known pools.
78.52.205Development units to be prescribed for pool after discoveryTemporary development units.
78.52.210Development unitsSize and shape.
78.52.220Development unitsLocation of well.
78.52.230Development unitsOrder must cover entire poolModifications.
78.52.240Development unitsPooling of interests.
78.52.245Pooling orderAllocation of production.
78.52.250Pooled interests in well in development unitAllocation of costsRights of owners.
78.52.253Pooling agreement, offer to pool, pooling orderFairness to nonconsenting, unleased owners.
78.52.255Operations on development unit deemed operations on each tractProduction allocated to tract deemed produced from each tractShut-in well considered on each tractLease on part of tract excluded from unit.
78.52.257Dissolution of pooling orderInterests covered by terminated leaseModification or termination of pooling orderExtension of dissolution of pooling order.
78.52.260"Wildcat" or "exploratory" well data confidential.
78.52.270Limitation of production to "oil allowable"Proration.
78.52.280Determining market demandNo undue discrimination in proration of "allowable."
78.52.290Limitation of production to "gas allowable"Proration.
78.52.300Limitation of gas production from one pool.
78.52.310Proration of allowable production in poolPublication of ordersEmergency orders.
78.52.320Compliance with limitation or proration required.
78.52.330Unit operation of separately owned tracts.
78.52.335Unit operation of pools.
78.52.345Ratable purchase of oil from owners or operators of pool required.
78.52.355Ratable purchase of gas from owners or operators of pool required.
78.52.365Enforcement of RCW 78.52.345 and 78.52.355.
78.52.450Participation of public lands in unit plan.
78.52.460Unit plan not deemed monopolistic.
78.52.463Suspension of operations for violationNoticeOrderHearingStay of order.
78.52.467Illegal oil, gas, or productSale, purchase, etc., prohibitedSeizure and saleDeposit of proceeds.
78.52.470Objections to orderHearing requiredModification of order.
78.52.480Appeal from order or decisionRights of department.
78.52.490AppealHow taken.
78.52.540ViolationsInjunctions by private party.
78.52.560Hydraulic fracturingProhibited for the exploration and production of oil and natural gas.
78.52.900Short title.
78.52.910Construction1951 c 146.
78.52.920Severability1951 c 146.
Franchises on county roads and bridges: Chapter 36.55 RCW.
Gas and hazardous liquid pipelines: Chapter 81.88 RCW.
Interstate oil compact commission, governor may join: RCW 43.06.015.
Oil or natural gas exploration in marine waters: RCW 90.58.550.