Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 80.50 RCW
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80.50.010Legislative findingPolicyIntent.
80.50.030Energy facility site evaluation councilCreatedMembershipQuorum.
80.50.040Energy facility site evaluation councilPowers enumerated.
80.50.045Recommendations to secretary, federal energy regulatory commissionSiting electrical transmission corridorsCouncil designated as state authority for siting transmission facilitiesReview under national environmental policy act.
80.50.060Energy facilities to which chapter appliesApplications for certificationFormsCouncil's dutiesPotential effects to tribal cultural resources.
80.50.065Use of fully coordinated permitting process.
80.50.071Council to receive applicationsPayment of costs incurred by the councilNotification requirements.
80.50.075Expedited processing of applications.
80.50.080Counsel for the environment.
80.50.085Council staff to assist applicants, make recommendations.
80.50.090Public hearingsOpportunity for public comment.
80.50.100Recommendations to governorExpedited processingApproval or rejection of certificationReconsideration.
80.50.105Transmission facilities for petroleum productsRecommendations to governor.
80.50.110Chapter governs and supersedes other law or regulationsPreemption of regulation and certification by state.
80.50.120Effect of certification.
80.50.130Revocation or suspension of certificationGrounds.
80.50.150Enforcement of compliancePenalties.
80.50.155Additional penaltiesAppeal procedures.
80.50.160Availability of information.
80.50.175Council's powers.
80.50.180Proposals and actions by other state agencies and local political subdivisions pertaining to energy facilities exempt from "detailed statement" required by RCW 43.21C.030.
80.50.300Unfinished nuclear power projectsTransfer of all or a portion of a site to a political subdivision or subdivisions of the stateWater rights.
80.50.310Council actionsExemption from chapter 43.21C RCW.
80.50.320Governor to evaluate council efficiency, make recommendations.
80.50.330PreapplicationSiting electrical transmission facilitiesCorridors.
80.50.360Duties of chair and director.
80.50.370Clean energy product manufacturing facilities.
80.50.380Preapplication review of a proposed projectFees.
80.50.390Energy facility site evaluation council account.
80.50.400Transfer of authority from the utilities and transportation commission to the council.
Reviser's note: Powers and duties of the department of social and health services and the secretary of social and health services transferred to the department of health and the secretary of health. See RCW 43.70.060.
Energy supply emergencies: Chapter 43.21G RCW.
Regulation of dangerous wastes associated with energy facilities: RCW 70A.300.170.
State energy office: Chapter 43.21F RCW.
Water pollution control, energy facilities, permits, etc., duties of energy facility site evaluation council: RCW 90.48.262.