Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 81.84 RCW
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81.84.010Certificate of convenience and necessity requiredRecreation exemptionService initiationProgress reports.
81.84.020ApplicationHearingIssuance of certificateDetermining factors.
81.84.025CertificateInsurance or bond requiredAmounts.
81.84.040Filing fees.
81.84.050PenaltiesRemission, mitigation.
81.84.060CertificateGrounds for cancellation, revocation, suspension, alteration, or amendment.
81.84.070Temporary certificateImmediate and urgent needWaiver of provisions during state of emergency.
Cities and towns may acquire and operate ferries: RCW 35.21.110.
Department of transportation as common carrier: RCW 47.60.220.
Excessive steam in boilers: RCW 70.54.080.
Lien on ships, equipment for labor, material, handling cargo, etc.: Chapter 60.36 RCW.
Navigation and harbor improvements: Title 88 RCW.
Privately owned ferries, county licensing: Chapter 36.53 RCW.
Tidelands, shorelands, harbor areas: Chapters 79.115, 79.125 RCW.