Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 84.33 RCW
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84.33.010Legislative findings.
84.33.040Timber exempt from ad valorem taxation.
84.33.041State excise tax on harvesters of timber imposedCredit for county taxDeposit of moneys in timber tax distribution account.
84.33.046Excise tax rate July 1, 1988, and thereafter.
84.33.051County excise tax on harvesters of timber authorizedRateAdministration and collectionDeposit of moneys in timber tax distribution accountUse.
84.33.074Excise tax on harvesters of timberCalculation of tax by small harvestersElectionFiling form.
84.33.075Excise tax on harvesters of timberExemption for certain nonprofit organizations, associations, or corporations.
84.33.0775Timber harvest tax credit.
84.33.0776Timber harvest excise tax agreement credit.
84.33.078Harvesting and marketing costs for state or local government harvests.
84.33.081Distributions from timber tax distribution accountDistributions from county timber tax account.
84.33.086Payment of tax.
84.33.088Reporting requirements on timber purchase.
84.33.089Estimates of harvestable public forestlandAdjustments.
84.33.091Tables of stumpage valuesRevised tablesLegislative reviewAppeal.
84.33.096Application of excise taxes' administrative provisions and definitions.
84.33.130Forestland valuationApplication by owner that land be designated and valued as forestlandHearingRulesApproval, denial of applicationAppeal.
84.33.140Forestland valuationNotation of forestland designation upon assessment and tax rollsNotice of continuanceRemoval of designationCompensating tax.
84.33.145Compensating tax.
84.33.170Application of chapter to Christmas trees.
84.33.175Application of taxSale of land to governmental agency with reservation of rights to timberConveyance by governmental agency of trees.
84.33.200Legislative review of timber tax systemInformation and data to be furnished.
84.33.210Forestland valuationSpecial benefit assessments.
84.33.220Forestland valuationWithdrawal from designation or change in useLiability.
84.33.230Forestland valuationChange in designationNotice.
84.33.240Forestland valuationChange in classification or useApplication of payments.
84.33.250Forestland valuationSpecial benefit assessments.
84.33.260Forestland valuationWithdrawal from designation or change in useBenefit assessments.
84.33.270Forestland valuationGovernment future development rightConserving forestlandExemptions.
84.33.280Applicant for forestry riparian easement programDepartment to rely on certain documents.