Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 85.32 RCW
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85.32.010Declaration of necessity and purpose.
85.32.030Powers of board in general.
85.32.040Initial determinationRollResolution, contents.
85.32.050Contents of rollAssessed, equalized value prima facie correctSeparate levies for prior indebtednessAdjustment of roll.
85.32.060Notice of hearingContents.
85.32.070Written objectionsFilingGroundsWaiver.
85.32.080Additional roll due to omitted property or changed conditions.
85.32.090Certification and filing of rollAdditional, supplemental roll supplements original.
85.32.100Reexamination of propertiesSupplemental rollCertification and filing.
85.32.110Roll is base for benefits against which levy made.
85.32.120Levy for outstanding indebtedness.
85.32.130Emergency warrants in excess of estimates.
85.32.140Chapter exclusive methodConcurrent use of other method to extinguish prior indebtednessSpecial assessment bonds.
85.32.150Owners of extraterritorial lands on roll are electors and may be commissionersCorporations.
85.32.160Roll proceedings are conclusiveInjunction upon limited grounds.
85.32.170Judicial reviewPetition to superior court.
85.32.180Judicial reviewFiling of transcript, objections, resolutionFiling feesNo bond requiredNotice of hearing and trial.
85.32.190Judicial reviewScope of trial.
85.32.200Appellate review.
85.32.210Levies are for continuous benefits.
85.32.220Annual estimate of costs.
85.32.900Powers and duties of chapter are supplemental.