Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 86.15 RCW
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86.15.001Actions subject to review by boundary review board.
86.15.023Zones not to include area in other zones.
86.15.025Districts incorporating watersheds authorizedSubzones authorizedCreation, procedureAdministrationPowers.
86.15.030Districts incorporating watersheds authorizedFormation, hearing and notice.
86.15.035Cooperative watershed management.
86.15.050ZonesSupervisorsElection of supervisors.
86.15.055Elected supervisorsCompensation.
86.15.070Advisory committees.
86.15.080General powers.
86.15.090Extraterritorial powers.
86.15.095Zones constitute quasi municipal corporationConstitutional and statutory powers.
86.15.100Flood control or stormwater control improvementsAuthorization.
86.15.110Flood control or stormwater control improvementsInitiationComprehensive plan.
86.15.120Flood control or stormwater control improvementsHearing, notice.
86.15.130Zone treasurerFunds.
86.15.150County aid.
86.15.160Excess levies, assessments, regular levies, and chargesLocal improvement districts.
86.15.162Delinquent assessmentSale of parcelAccrual of interest.
86.15.165Voluntary assessments for flood control or stormwater control improvementsProcedureDisposition of proceedsUse.
86.15.170General obligation bonds.
86.15.175Community revitalization financingPublic improvements.
86.15.176Service charges authorizedDisposition of revenue.
86.15.178Revenue bondsLien for delinquent service charges.
86.15.180Protection of public property.
86.15.190Abatement of nuisances.
86.15.200Flood control zonesConsolidation, abolishment.
86.15.210Transfer of property.
86.15.220Planning of improvements.
86.15.230Public necessity of chapter.
86.15.900SeverabilityConstruction1961 c 153.
86.15.910Construction of chapter.
86.15.920Titles not part of the chapter.
Dissolution of inactive special purpose districts: Chapter 36.96 RCW.
Local governmental organizations, actions affecting boundaries, etc., review by boundary review board: Chapter 36.93 RCW.