Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 87.04 RCW
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87.04.010Divisions of certain districts requiredNumberDirectorsWho are electors.
87.04.020Director vacancies, how filled.
87.04.030New district to be divided by county commissionersObjections, denial, election.
87.04.040Petition to divide or redivide.
87.04.050Redivision when number of directors changed or new lands included.
87.04.055Procedure for adding land to director divisions when new land included in district.
87.04.058Application of RCW 87.04.030 through 87.04.055 following merger of minor irrigation district into major irrigation district.
87.04.060Time for hearing on petitionNotice, contents.
87.04.070HearingOrder of denial or rejectionElection to divide or redivide.
87.04.080Election of directorsTerms.
87.04.090Levy limitation until water received when federal works or contracts involvedException.
87.04.100Certain excess lands under federal contracts, assessment limitationException.
87.04.900Chapter supplemental to other lawsGeneral repealer.