Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 88.16 RCW
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88.16.005Legislative declaration of policy and intent.
88.16.010Board of pilotage commissionersCreatedChairpersonMembersTermsQualificationsVacanciesQuorum.
88.16.020Board of pilotage commissionersOfficeCompensation and travel expenses of membersEmployment of personnel.
88.16.035Board of pilotage commissionersPowers and duties.
88.16.040Oaths and subpoenasCompelling attendance of witnessesContempt.
88.16.050Pilotage districts and waters affected.
88.16.055Utilities and transportation commission to establish pilotage tariffs for pilotage servicesExtra compensation, consideration of pilot retirement expenses incurred in prior yearSubmission of statutory changesReport.
88.16.061Pilotage account.
88.16.070Vessels exempted and included under chapterFeePenalty.
88.16.090Pilot and pilot trainee licensesQualificationsDurationAnnual feeExaminations and evaluationsTraining program and licensePenaltyReporting requirements.
88.16.100Pilots' licensesRevocation, suspension, etc., ofReprimand or fineOther disciplinary actionsProcedureJudicial review.
88.16.102Pilots' licensesMandatory termination of.
88.16.103Mandatory rest periods for pilotsRulesAssignment refusalTraining program trips by pilot traineesQuarterly review.
88.16.105Size and type of vessels prescribed for newly licensed pilotRules.
88.16.107Pilots or pilot trainees may testify without sanctions for doing so.
88.16.110Pilots to file quarterly reportContents.
88.16.115Limiting liability of pilots and any countywide port district in Grays Harbor pilotage districtDeemed in public interest.
88.16.118Limited liability of pilots and pilot traineesLiability of vessel, owner, or operator not limited.
88.16.120Failure to observe pilotage ratePenalty.
88.16.130Unlicensed pilot liable for payment of ratesPenalty for refusing to employ licensed pilot.
88.16.133Deviations from state lawDuty to submit pilot's report.
88.16.135Assignment of pilots to vesselsRequest that pilot not be assignedHearing on request.
88.16.140Pilot's lien for compensation.
88.16.150General penaltyCivil penaltyJurisdictionDisposition of finesFailure to inform of special directions, gross misdemeanor.
88.16.155Vessel master to make certification before pilotage service offeredProcedure upon refusalRulesPenaltiesException.
88.16.160Severability and short title.
88.16.170Oil tankersIntent and purpose.
88.16.180Oil tankersState licensed pilot required.
88.16.190Oil tankersRestricted watersRequirements.
88.16.195Oil tankersNot to exceed speed of escorting tug.
88.16.200Vessel designed to carry liquefied natural or petroleum gas to adhere to oil tanker provisions.
88.16.250Board of pilotage commissioners authorized to adopt rulesGrays Harbor pilotage districtTug escort requirements/safety measures for certain oil tankers.
88.16.260Board of pilotage commissioners authorized to adopt rules in consultation with other entitiesTug escorts.
Unlicensed pilotage: RCW 88.08.060.