5474 AMH ED H2805.1




SB 5474 - H COMM AMD ADOPTED 4-18-91

By Committee on Education




    Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:


    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.    A task force is created to improve the collection and reporting of data about conditions affecting the education and well-being of children.  The primary objective of the task force is to provide data aggregated by school districts for use by school districts and state and local policymakers in the planning and evaluation of local and state education programs, practices, and activities."


    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.    (1) One representative shall be appointed to the task force created in section 1 of this act from each of the following:  Office of the superintendent of public instruction, department of social and health services, department of health, employment security department, department of community development, department of information services, office of financial management, the administrator for the courts, Washington association of school administrators, Washington state school directors' association, the Washington state association of counties, the association of Washington cities, house of representative staff, and senate staff.

    (2) The task force shall select a chair from among its members.

    (3) The task force shall consult with the Washington school information processing cooperative, educational service districts, groups representing racial and ethnic minorities, and other interested parties.

    (4) The Washington state institute for public policy shall coordinate and staff the task force, and may contract for technical consulting services as needed."


    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.    The task force shall, by December 1, 1991:

    (1) Identify the likely uses for demographic data on the education and well-being of children, and determine what type of  data is needed, or would be useful, in the planning and evaluation of local and state education programs, practices, and activities;

    (2) Determine the feasibility, cost, and actions required to aggregate the data identified in subsection (1) of this section by school districts;

    (3) Determine the feasibility, cost, and actions required to report the data identified in subsection (1) of this section to school districts and state and local policymakers, ensuring that quality control and appropriate confidentiality and privacy safeguards are provided;

    (4) Identify measures necessary to ensure the adequate collection and reporting of the data, including the use of common data definitions and reporting timelines;

    (5) Implement those actions that can be taken with little or no cost, and identify actions, with proposed timelines, in which additional resources are required;

    (6) Examine related issues as the task force deems appropriate; and

    (7) Report to the appropriate committees of the legislature its findings, specific actions taken to improve data collection and reporting, and what additional actions and resources are needed to further improve data collection and reporting on the well-being and education of children."


    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 4.    If specific funding for the purposes of this act, referencing this act by bill number, is not provided by June 30, 1991, in the omnibus appropriations act, this act shall be null and void."


    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 5.    This act shall expire December 1, 1991."


    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 6.    This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately."




SB 5474 - H COMM AMD

By Committee on Education




    On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "well-being;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "creating new sections; providing an expiration date; and declaring an emergency."