HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 94-4721, by Representatives Conway, Wang, R. Fisher, Eide, R. Meyers, Dorn, Talcott, Flemming, Campbell, Ebersole, Pruitt, Brumsickle, Roland, Shin, Wineberry, Brough, Casada and Tate


               WHEREAS, The port of Tacoma has been awarded the President's "E Star" for excellence in exporting, which is the most prestigious of American export commendations; and

               WHEREAS, In 1975, the United States Department of Commerce first recognized the port of Tacoma's ability to build a profitable export business, by honoring it with the "E" award; and

               WHEREAS, The "E Star" award is given only to organizations that win the first award and continue to excel; and

               WHEREAS, The port of Tacoma is the first port in the Pacific Northwest to ever earn the award; and

               WHEREAS, Since first winning the "E" award, the port has grown to become the sixth-largest port in North America and is responsible for seventy thousand jobs state-wide; and

               WHEREAS, The port's export trade has grown four hundred percent in eighteen years; and

               WHEREAS, Export tonnage has grown from 2.2 million in 1975 to 8.2 million; and

               WHEREAS, The port has developed new shipping terminals and expanded its land base and facilities for attracting export-oriented manufacturers and warehouse companies; and

               WHEREAS, The port provides a model labor agreement that emphasizes shared responsibilities and full participation of its longshoring and other port employees; and

               WHEREAS, The port of Tacoma is unique because of a close and interdependent relationship between companies, unions, government, and port commissioners; and

               WHEREAS, The port of Tacoma is expanding Washington state's export markets and helping to diversify its economy; and

               WHEREAS, The port of Tacoma provides a vital link between Tacoma and to the Pacific Rim and beyond;

               NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives honor the port of Tacoma for its work in benefiting the state and for creating an exemplary model for other ports and businesses; and

               BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives also recognize the port of Tacoma as a recipient of the coveted "E Star" award, as it is only the sixth port in the United States to win "E Star" flag.



                                            I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

                                       Resolution 4721 adopted by the House of Representatives

                                                                       March 8, 1994.




                                                           Marilyn Showalter, Chief Clerk