SB 5718

                          C 224 L 95

                      Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description:  Authorizing fund‑raising on state property to benefit public fish and wildlife programs.


Sponsors:  Senators Drew and Haugen.


Senate Committee on Natural Resources

House Committee on Natural Resources


Background:  Volunteer groups may use state property to raise funds to assist programs that help state parks.  The authority to use state property for volunteer fund raising events does not extend to the property of the Department of Fish and Wildlife.


Summary:  The  manager of a state fish hatchery operated by the Department of Fish and Wildlife may allow nonprofit volunteer groups affiliated with the hatchery to undertake projects to raise donations, gifts, and grants that enhance support for the hatchery or activities in the surrounding watershed that benefit the hatchery.  The manager may provide agency personnel and services, if available, to assist in the projects and may allow the volunteer groups to conduct activities on the grounds of the hatchery.


The director of the Department of Fish and Wildlife is required to establish guidelines and must encourage arrangements between hatchery managers and nonprofit volunteer groups.


Votes on Final Passage:


Senate    44 0

House     95 0 (House amended)

Senate    47 0 (Senate concurred)


Effective:  July 23, 1995