SB 5813-S - DIGEST


              (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 3/17/97)


     Provides that:  (1) A dominant banking institution owning or operating an automated teller machine in this state may not impose a surcharge upon a customer for the use of that machine unless the machine is located in or attached to a branch office; and

     (2) if a surcharge is imposed on a consumer at an automated teller machine, the operator of that automated teller machine shall disclose to the consumer electronically on the automated teller machine the total amount of the surcharge.  Such disclosure shall be provided prior to the consumer's entry of the amount and provide the consumer with an opportunity to cancel the transaction without incurring any obligation.

     Directs the chairs of the house of representatives and senate committees with jurisdiction over financial institutions to appoint a task force composed of banking institution representatives to study issues relating to the imposition of surcharges at automated teller machines.