Olympia, Washington



                       Bill Analysis      Bill No.  HB 1540



Relating to elections

Brief Title                               Hearing Date: 2/9/99



Reps. D. Schmidt and Romero              Staff:  Scott MacColl

Sponsor(s)                          State Government Committee

                                              Phone:  786-7106





The Secretary of State is the chief elections officer of the state and is authorized to adopt rules relating to election matters that implement state statutes.


County auditors are the local election officials who conduct elections throughout their counties.




Each county auditor is required to develop an election procedures manual for the county that is organized clearly and written using text that is easily understood.  Copies of the manual must be distributed at cost to the public upon request.  The Secretary of State assists in preparation of these manuals by providing a model manual describing general election procedures.


Numerous matters are required to be described in the manual, including:


CA discussion of different types of ballots and how they are processed and tabulated;

CThe electronic vote tallying system used by the county;

CHow a voter=s registration may be challenged;

CHow votes are canvassed and certified by the county canvassing board;

CWrite-in voting and the tallying of write-in votes;

CWhen and how a true duplicate copy of a ballot is made;

CThe appointment of observers by major political parties;

CAppeals to a canvassing board; and

CRecounting votes.


FISCAL NOTE:  Not requested.



EFFECTIVE DATE:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.