HOUSE BILL 2295





                        56th Legislature

                    1999 1st Special Session


Passed by the House May 18, 1999

  Yeas 97   Nays 0




Speaker of the House of Representatives




Speaker of the House of Representatives





Passed by the Senate May 19, 1999

  Yeas 42   Nays 2



We, Dean R. Foster and Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerks of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 2295  as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth.




                          Chief Clerk




                          Chief Clerk

President of the Senate




Approved Place Style On Codes above, and Style Off Codes below.         




Governor of the State of Washington

                   Secretary of State

                  State of Washington



                          HOUSE BILL 2295



           Passed Legislature - 1999 1st Special Session


State of Washington       56th Legislature  1999 1st Special Session


By Representatives B. Chandler, Clements, G. Chandler, Sump and McMorris


Prefiled May 14, 1999.  Read first time May 17, 1999.

Providing that growing or packing agricultural products is not a manufacturing activity for tax purposes.    

    AN ACT Relating to stating the intent of the legislature that the activities of growing or packing agricultural products is not a manufacturing activity; amending RCW 82.04.120, 82.60.020, and 82.62.010; creating a new section; and declaring an emergency.




    Sec. 1.  RCW 82.04.120 and 1999 c 211 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

    "To manufacture" embraces all activities of a commercial or industrial nature wherein labor or skill is applied, by hand or machinery, to materials so that as a result thereof a new, different or useful substance or article of tangible personal property is produced for sale or commercial or industrial use, and shall include:  (1) The production or fabrication of special made or custom made articles; (2) the production or fabrication of dental appliances, devices, restorations, substitutes, or other dental laboratory products by a dental laboratory or dental technician; (3) cutting, delimbing, and measuring of felled, cut, or taken trees; and (4) crushing and/or blending of rock, sand, stone, gravel, or ore.

    "To manufacture" shall not include:  Conditioning of seed for use in planting; cubing hay or alfalfa; activities which consist of cutting, grading, or ice glazing seafood which has been cooked, frozen, or canned outside this state; ((or)) the growing, harvesting, or ((production)) producing of agricultural products; or packing of agricultural products, including sorting, washing, rinsing, grading, waxing, treating with fungicide, packaging, chilling, or placing in controlled atmospheric storage.


    Sec. 2.  RCW 82.60.020 and 1999 c 164 s 301 are each amended to read as follows:

    Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.

    (1) "Applicant" means a person applying for a tax deferral under this chapter.

    (2) "Department" means the department of revenue.

    (3) "Eligible area" means a county with fewer than one hundred persons per square mile as determined annually by the office of financial management and published by the department of revenue effective for the period July 1st through June 30th.

    (4)(a) "Eligible investment project" means an investment project in an eligible area as defined in subsection (3) of this section.

    (b) The lessor/owner of a qualified building is not eligible for a deferral unless the underlying ownership of the buildings, machinery, and equipment vests exclusively in the same person, or unless the lessor by written contract agrees to pass the economic benefit of the deferral to the lessee in the form of reduced rent payments.

    (c) "Eligible investment project" does not include any portion of an investment project undertaken by a light and power business as defined in RCW 82.16.010(5), other than that portion of a cogeneration project that is used to generate power for consumption within the manufacturing site of which the cogeneration project is an integral part, or investment projects which have already received deferrals under this chapter.

    (5) "Investment project" means an investment in qualified buildings or qualified machinery and equipment, including labor and services rendered in the planning, installation, and construction of the project.

    (6) "Manufacturing" means ((all activities of a commercial or industrial nature wherein labor or skill is applied, by hand or machinery, to materials so that as a result thereof a new, different, or useful substance or article of tangible personal property is produced for sale or commercial or industrial use and shall include the production or fabrication of specially made or custom made articles)) the same as defined in RCW 82.04.120.  "Manufacturing" also includes computer programming, the production of computer software, and other computer-related services, and the activities performed by research and development laboratories and commercial testing laboratories.

    (7) "Person" has the meaning given in RCW 82.04.030.

    (8) "Qualified buildings" means construction of new structures, and expansion or renovation of existing structures for the purpose of increasing floor space or production capacity used for manufacturing and research and development activities, including plant offices and warehouses or other facilities for the storage of raw material or finished goods if such facilities are an essential or an integral part of a factory, mill, plant, or laboratory used for manufacturing or research and development.  If a building is used partly for manufacturing or research and development and partly for other purposes, the applicable tax deferral shall be determined by apportionment of the costs of construction under rules adopted by the department.

    (9) "Qualified machinery and equipment" means all new industrial and research fixtures, equipment, and support facilities that are an integral and necessary part of a manufacturing or research and development operation.  "Qualified machinery and equipment" includes:  Computers; software; data processing equipment; laboratory equipment; manufacturing components such as belts, pulleys, shafts, and moving parts; molds, tools, and dies; operating structures; and all equipment used to control or operate the machinery.

    (10) "Recipient" means a person receiving a tax deferral under this chapter.

    (11) "Research and development" means the development, refinement, testing, marketing, and commercialization of a product, service, or process before commercial sales have begun.  As used in this subsection, "commercial sales" excludes sales of prototypes or sales for market testing if the total gross receipts from such sales of the product, service, or process do not exceed one million dollars.


    Sec. 3.  RCW 82.62.010 and 1999 c 164 s 305 are each amended to read as follows:

    Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.

    (1) "Applicant" means a person applying for a tax credit under this chapter.

    (2) "Department" means the department of revenue.

    (3) "Eligible area" means an area as defined in RCW 82.60.020.

    (4)(a) "Eligible business project" means manufacturing or research and development activities which are conducted by an applicant in an eligible area at a specific facility, provided the applicant's average full-time qualified employment positions at the specific facility will be at least fifteen percent greater in the year for which the credit is being sought than the applicant's average full-time qualified employment positions at the same facility in the immediately preceding year.

    (b) "Eligible business project" does not include any portion of a business project undertaken by a light and power business as defined in RCW 82.16.010(5) or that portion of a business project creating qualified full-time employment positions outside an eligible area or those recipients of a sales tax deferral under chapter 82.61 RCW.

    (5) "Manufacturing" means ((all activities of a commercial or industrial nature wherein labor or skill is applied, by hand or machinery, to materials so that as a result thereof a new, different, or useful substance or article of tangible personal property is produced for sale or commercial or industrial use and shall include the production or fabrication of specially made or custom made articles)) the same as defined in RCW 82.04.120.  "Manufacturing" also includes computer programming, the production of computer software, and other computer-related services, and the activities performed by research and development laboratories and commercial testing laboratories.

    (6) "Person" has the meaning given in RCW 82.04.030.

    (7) "Qualified employment position" means a permanent full-time employee employed in the eligible business project during the entire tax year.

    (8) "Tax year" means the calendar year in which taxes are due.

    (9) "Recipient" means a person receiving tax credits under this chapter.

    (10) "Research and development" means the development, refinement, testing, marketing, and commercialization of a product, service, or process before commercial sales have begun.  As used in this subsection, "commercial sales" excludes sales of prototypes or sales for market testing if the total gross receipts from such sales of the product, service, or process do not exceed one million dollars.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 4.  This act is intended to clarify that this is the intent of the legislature both retroactively and prospectively.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 5.  If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 6.  This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately.


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