SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL 8027





                        56th Legislature

                      2000 Regular Session

Passed by the Senate February 14, 2000

  YEAS 48   NAYS 0




President of the Senate


Passed by the House March 1, 2000

  YEAS 96   NAYS 0



I, Tony M. Cook, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is  SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL 8027 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth.




Speaker of the

      House of Representatives






Speaker of the

      House of Representatives



Approved Place Style On Codes above, and Style Off Codes below. 





Governor of the State of Washington

                   Secretary of State

                  State of Washington



                    SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL 8027



             Passed Legislature - 2000 Regular Session


State of Washington      56th Legislature     2000 Regular Session


By Senators Shin, Bauer, Heavey, Benton, Franklin, Eide, Patterson, Kline, Johnson, Gardner, Thibaudeau, Rossi, Goings, Hargrove, B. Sheldon, Horn, Haugen, Hochstatter, T. Sheldon, Swecker, Jacobsen, Fairley, Rasmussen, Prentice, Snyder, Hale, Stevens, Roach, Honeyford, Spanel, Loveland, Fraser, Brown, Costa, McAuliffe, Kohl‑Welles and Oke


Read first time 01/27/2000.  Referred to Committee on State & Local Government.

Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Korean War.


    We, your Memorialists, the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington, in legislative session assembled, respectfully represent and petition as follows:

    WHEREAS, On Sunday, June 25, 1950, seven North Korean Army Divisions supported by tanks and aircraft, conducted an attack and invaded the Southern Republic of Korea; and

    WHEREAS, Three years and over five million casualties later, a cease fire was secured ending the fighting only miles from where it began; and

    WHEREAS, The Korean War has only become a footnote in history to most Americans, but was no less of a war to the one and one-half million fighting men and women from this nation who served in that short "Police Action" and struggled to contain Communist aggression; and

    WHEREAS, The memories of endless hostile hills, gritty pudding-like mud, snow, choking dust, frozen reservoirs, long periods of boredom, and the violent death of friends will forever linger in the minds of those who fought under these inhospitable conditions; and

    WHEREAS, Twenty-two nations joined forces with the courageous people of South Korea, cherishing freedom and democracy under the United Nations Command, and eventually secured a cease fire for the preservation of peace and a democratic way of life for the citizens of South Korea; and

    WHEREAS, More than five hundred sons and daughters of Washington state stood in the unbroken line of patriots who dared to die in order that freedom might live and grow.  Freedom lives and through it, these courageous men and women live in a way that would humble the undertakings of most people; and

    WHEREAS, The families and loved ones of these men and women sacrificed just as much, by enduring the pain of their absence, the uncertainty of their whereabouts, and the agony of their deaths; and

    WHEREAS, This millennium commemorates the 50th anniversary of that holocaust, known as "the Forgotten War" and veterans' service organizations are involved in honoring those gallant veterans who fought the battles for the preservation of freedom, and the members of the armed forces who even to this day guard the gates of freedom in Korea; and

    WHEREAS, As a nation, we should educate every generation of Americans on the history of the Korean War in preserving our nation's liberty, freedom, and prosperity, and commemorating this event will provide Americans with a clear understanding of, and appreciation for, the sacrifices of these veterans and their families;

    NOW, THEREFORE, Your Memorialists respectfully pray that the years 2000 and 2003 be designated as the 50th anniversaries of the beginning and end of the Korean War to honor all veterans of this nation and our allies during the Korean War as well as those serving there today, and encourage all citizens of the Evergreen State to combine their efforts with veterans' service organizations and educational institutions to remember, and perpetuate the meaning of sacrifice for peace and freedom, by honoring those veterans who secured that legacy for future generations throughout the world;

    BE IT RESOLVED, That copies of this Memorial be immediately transmitted to the Honorable Gary Locke, Governor of the State of Washington.


                            --- END ---