Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Children & Family Services Committee



HB 1994


Brief Description:  Revising availability of community support services for persons with developmental disabilities.


Sponsors:  Representatives Boldt, Morell and Dunn.


Brief Summary of Bill


$Eliminates the requirement that a specific appropriation be made in the operating budget as a condition for offering persons with developmental disabilities either admittance to the Residential Habilitation Centers (RHCs) or community support services.



Hearing Date:  2/21/01


Staff:  Deborah Frazier (786‑7152).




The Division of Developmental Disabilities of the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) serves over 30,000 persons monthly through five state-operated Residential Habilitation Centers (RHCs), and an array of state operated and contracted community-based services.


Under the statutory provisions enacted as a result of passage of SSB 6751 (1998), the bed capacity and funding of the RHCs was set at 1,230 until 2003.  The Governor was given the authority to adjust bed capacity and funding for the RHCs for budgetary reasons. 


The bill provided that vacancies in the RHCs must be made available to eligible persons who seek and desire the services of an RHC, and that these eligible persons must also be offered community-based services. 


The bill required that a specific appropriation be made in the operating budget as a condition for offering either admittance to the RHCs or community support services.  The 1999-01 biennial operating budget did not include this specific funding.  As a result, eligible persons seeking admission to the RHCs as permanent residents have been refused.


Summary of Bill: 


Eliminates the requirement that a specific appropriation be made in the operating budget as a condition for offering persons with developmental disabilities either admittance to the RHCs or community support services.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Available.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.