Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Local Government & Housing Committee



HB 2297


Brief Description:  Revising limitations on county auditors.


Sponsors:  Representatives Dunn, Fromhold, Ogden, Delvin and Schual‑Berke.


Brief Summary of Bill

$Declares that the county auditor and any deputy appointed by him or her is disqualified from performing duties of any other county officer or acting as deputy for any county officer, except for clerical or ministerial duties.



Hearing Date: 2/4/02


Staff:  Amy Wood (786‑7127).




Current statute prohibits county auditors and deputies from playing a dual role as both the county auditor or deputy and that of an attorney, any other county officer, or deputy for any other county officer.  In addition, no other county officer or his or her deputy may act as the auditor or deputy, or perform the duties of the county auditor.


Summary of Bill:


The county auditor or deputy are permitted to perform clerical or ministerial duties of another county officer or deputy for another county officer.  A county officer or his or her deputy are permitted to perform clerical or ministerial duties as county auditor or deputy.


The gender references are modernized to include female references.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.