Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Financial Institutions & Insurance Committee



HB 2545


Brief Description:  Regulating single premium credit insurance.


Sponsors:  Representatives Cooper, McIntire, Simpson, Santos, Chase and Anderson; by request of Governor Locke, Insurance Commissioner and Attorney General.


Brief Summary of Bill

$Prohibits the sale of single premium credit insurance in connection with mortgage loan transactions.



Hearing Date:  2/1/02


Staff:  Thamas Osborn (786‑7129).




Single premium credit insurance is often sold by insurers in connection with mortgage loans or  consumer loans secured by real property.  A consumer purchases this product to insure against defaulting on the loan in the event of death, disability, or unemployment.  The term of the insurance is typically between five and seven years.  Rather than being paid in installments, the premium is usually rolled into the loan itself and thus payments on the premium, including interest, are made over the life of the loan.  As the result of the interest component, the inclusion of the entire credit insurance premium in the loan amount can significantly increase the total of payments made by the insured.


Summary of Bill:


An insurer is prohibited from selling credit insurance in connection with a residential mortgage loan transaction if the policy requires that the entire premium be paid at the inception of the loan.  Credit insurance may be offered as part of such transactions provided the terms of the policy allow for the payment of monthly installments.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.