Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Commerce & Labor Committee



HB 2901


Brief Description:  Regarding unemployment insurance.


Sponsors:  Representatives Conway, Clements, Reardon, Berkey, Kenney, Santos, Lovick, Chase, Simpson, Wood and Sullivan.


Brief Summary of Bill

$Provides for modifying unemployment insurance.



Hearing Date:  2/7/02


Staff:  Chris Cordes (786‑7103).




Substitute House Bill 3077, enacted in 2000, established unemployment insurance training benefits for certain dislocated workers.  The legislation also made changes in the taxable wage base and in requirements for claimants to requalify for benefits after being disqualified.


Summary of Bill:


The Legislature intends to address updating the unemployment insurance training benefits program and modifying the unemployment insurance system to provide for equity in tax rates and for managing the growth in the taxable wage base.


Rules Authority:  The bill does not contain provisions addressing the rule-making powers of an agency.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not Requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.