Washington State

House of Representatives




Transportation Committee



SSB 6248


Brief Description:  Funding bicycle and pedestrian safety.


Sponsors:  Senate Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Jacobsen, Kohl‑Welles, Kline and Brown).


Brief Summary of Substitute Bill

$A special Cooper Jones license plate is established.

$Proceeds from the sale of these plates are to be used for bicycle and pedestrian safety education.



Hearing Date:  2/20/02


Staff:  Penny Nerup (786‑7335).




In 1997 12-year-old Cooper Jones was killed in Spokane while riding his bicycle in an approved bicycle rally.  In 1998 the Cooper Jones Act was passed, which created an advisory committee to develop programs to promote bicycle and pedestrian safety and to advise the Traffic Safety Commission on these issues.  Members of the advisory committee include persons from all affected agencies, the insurance industry, and organized bicycle groups (like the Seattle-to-Portland race committee).


The Cooper Jones Act also created the bicycle and pedestrian safety account to support the education and safety programs.  Currently, this account is funded predominantly by federal grants with some donations from private sources.


Summary of Bill:


A special Cooper Jones license plate is established.


The Department of Licensing (DOL), the Washington State Patrol, and the Traffic Safety Commission are required to design an appropriate special license plate for distribution by the DOL.  The initial fee for this special plate is $25;  DOL may deduct up to $12 of this amount to pay its administration costs.  The fee for annual renewal is $20;  DOL may deduct up to $2 of this amount for administrative costs.  The proceeds from sale of these special plates are credited to the bicycle and pedestrian safety account to be used for safety education.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Available.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.