I 713

                           C 1 L 01

                      Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description:  Prohibiting leghold traps, snares, body gripping traps and animal poisons.


Sponsors:  By People of the State of Washington.


Background:  The Fish and Wildlife Commission currently authorizes the use of leghold traps, live capture traps, instant-kill traps and snares for the taking of fur-bearing animals.  Approximately 609 trappers are licensed annually in Washington State; they provide animal pelts for the fur trade.


Landowners, an owner=s immediate family member, an owner=s documented employee, or a tenant of real property may trap or kill on that property wild animals or birds that are damaging crops, domestic animals, or fowl.


Toxic chemicals are currently utilized for rodent control and by the federal wildlife services for coyote control.


Animals can suffer when trapped or killed.


Summary:  The initiative prohibits the trapping of fur-bearers and damage-causing animals with the traps most commonly used:  steel-jawed leghold traps, padded jaw leghold traps, conibear (instant kill) traps, neck snares, nonstrangling foot snares, or any other trap styles that grip an animal=s body or body part.  Permits may be issued for use of conibear traps set in water, padded leghold traps, and nonstrangling foot snares for animals causing threat to human health and safety.  Permits for use of limited types of traps may also be issued for animal damage control if the problem cannot be abated with nonlethal methods.


Fur not already processed for purposes of retail sale (raw fur) must not be bought, sold bartered, or otherwise exchanged.


The use of sodium fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) and sodium cyanide is prohibited for animal control.


Violators of the initiative provisions are subject to gross misdemeanor penalties (up to one year in jail, maximum fine of $5,000 or both).


Effective:  December 7, 2000