SB 5223


C 127 L 01

Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description:  Funding safety audits of rail fixed guideway systems.


Sponsors:  Senators Gardner, Oke, Haugen and Horn; by request of Department of Transportation.


Senate Committee on Transportation

House Committee on Transportation


Background:  A rail fixed guideway system (RFGS) is a light, heavy or rapid rail system such as San Francisco's Bay Area Rapid Transit System, a monorail, trolley, or other high capacity transit system.  The federal government requires the state of Washington to conduct triennial safety reviews of rail fixed guideway systems that are not regulated by the federal Railroad Administration.  State law requires the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to conduct on-site visits at each RFGS at a minimum of every three years to perform a formal safety and security review.  The first WSDOT program audit is due in 2002.


Summary:  The owner or operator of each RFGS must reimburse the reasonable expenses of WSDOT in conducting system audits.  WSDOT must notify the owner or operator of the estimated expenses at least six months in advance of the system audit.


Votes on Final Passage:



House     93 0


Effective:  July 22, 2001