SSB 6289


As Passed Senate, February 11, 2002


Title:  An act relating to qualifications for adult family home providers and resident managers.


Brief Description:  Specifying qualifications for adult family home providers and resident managers.


Sponsors:  Senate Committee on Health & Long‑Term Care (originally sponsored by Senators Fairley, Kohl‑Welles and Rasmussen).


Brief History: 

Committee Activity:  Health & Long‑Term Care:  1/24/02, 1/28/02 [DPS].

Passed Senate:  2/11/02, 49-0.



Majority Report:  That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6289 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.

Signed by Senators Thibaudeau, Chair; Franklin, Vice Chair; Costa, Deccio, Fraser, Parlette and Winsley.


Staff:  Rhoda Donkin (786‑7198)


Background:  Adult family homes are long-term care facilities licensed to care for up to six individuals.  Anyone who wants to operate one of these facilities must get a license from the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS).  The minimum qualifications for getting a license include being at least age 21, completing 320 hours of direct caregiving experience with adults in a licensed setting, and a curriculum of basic training.


Legislation that passed in 2001 added the requirement that adult family home license applicants  have proof they graduated from high school or received a GED certificate.


There has been concern that requiring a high school diploma as a prerequisite for applying to be a licensee disqualifies foreign born applicants who have been educated but who don't have a U.S. high school diploma.


Summary of Bill:  Minimum education requirements for an adult family home applicant are modified to include government-approved public or private education in a foreign country, proof of admission to higher education institutions which are described in the legislation, or successful completion of a registered nursing degree or any medical degree requiring an education.  The legislation takes effect on May 1, 2002.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date:  May 1, 2002.


Testimony For:  This will open up opportunity for people who have been educated in other countries to qualify as adult family home providers.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  PRO:  Asile Capusan, Eugen Capusan, Luke Esser; Kathy Leitch, DSHS-AASA; Skip Dreps, NW Paralegal; Jeff Thompson, HCA; Ree Sailors, OFM; Audrey Woodin, WSRCC; Bill Day, Adult Family Home Assn.