Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Fisheries, Ecology & Parks Committee



HB 2621

Brief Description: Providing for a razor clam license.


Sponsors: Representatives Blake, Orcutt, Hatfield and Flannigan.

Brief Summary of Bill

    Establishes a three-day razor clam license to be administered by the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Hearing Date: 1/29/04

Staff: Jason Callahan (786-7117).


The Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) is primarily responsible for administering the state's commercial and recreational fishing permit system. In order to harvest shellfish recreationally, including razor clams, a person is required to first obtain a personal use shellfish and seaweed license (RCW 77.32.520).

The DFW is authorized to issue both an annual license and a license that is valid for two days. The annual personal use shellfish license costs $7.00 for residents of Washington, $20.00 for non-residents and $5.00 for a person over the age of seventy. A two-day shellfish license costs $6.00 for residents, non-residents, and seniors. Applicants under the age of fifteen may harvest shellfish without a license (RCW 77.32.520).

The proceeds generated from the sale of annual personal use shellfish licenses are deposited into the state's general fund (RCW 77.12.177). The proceeds from the two-day personal use shellfish license are deposited into the State Wildlife Account (RCW 77.12.170).

Summary of Bill:

The razor clam license is created, to be administered by the DFW. The license allows for the non-commercial harvest of razor clams for three consecutive days from state or offshore waters. The license may also be used on national park beaches.

A razor clam license costs $7.00 for a Washington resident, including seniors, and $14 for a non-resident, including seniors. This money will be distributed to the general fund.

Razor clams may still be harvested using an annual personal use shellfish and seaweed license as well as a razor clam license. The two-day personal use shellfish and seaweed license is eliminated.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.