Washington State
House of Representatives

Transportation Committee

HB 1090

Brief Description: Using pictograms in transportation signs.

Sponsors: Representatives Hudgins, Jarrett, Sommers, Bailey, Morris, Strow, Nixon, Kenney, Hasegawa, Lantz, Flannigan, Santos, Murray, Wood, Upthegrove, Dickerson, B. Sullivan, Schual-Berke, Cody, Pettigrew, Conway, Simpson, Woods, McIntire, Kagi, Chase, Tom, Morrell and Kilmer.

Brief Summary of Bill
  • Declares legislative intent to assist travelers, particularly non-English speaking visitors, with travel on public transportation facilities.
    • Requires the Seattle Monorail Authority and Sound Transit to use a system of pictograms to identify stations and points of interest along the transportation route. The requirements apply to new sign installations.

Hearing Date: 1/31/05

Staff: Beth Redfield (786-7347).


Federal, state and local laws and policies govern the signage required on many transportation facilities.

In most instances, the signage now used to locate major transportation facilities employs internationally accepted symbols and the Roman alphabet. Similarly, urban rail systems use the Roman alphabet to identify stations. Languages using a different symbol set, into which Sound Transit translates some ridership information, include Thai, Khmer, Korean and Chinese. Signs using the Roman alphabet can be difficult for some international visitors to use. Transit systems in the cities of Calgary and Mexico, among others, use pictograms to provide a simple visual designation of a rail station stop or activities near the transit station.

Summary of Bill:

Sound Transit and the Seattle Monorail Authority are to incorporate in plans, for stations along rail systems, signing easily understood by the traveling public, including non-English speaking persons. The signage must employ graphics consistent with international guidelines and programs and must also employ pictograms as a means to identify stations and points of interest along the rail corridors. The sign requirements are intended to apply to new signing and replacement of existing signs.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Requested on January 26, 2005.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.