By Senator Doumit

     WHEREAS, Washington has an abundance of navigable waterways, such as rivers, lakes, and coastal waters; and
     WHEREAS, The broad term "canoe" includes various long, narrow watercraft with sharp ends that are propelled by paddles, including canoes and kayaks; and
     WHEREAS, Human-propelled boating is a popular sport, included as an event in the Olympic Games; and
     WHEREAS, Canoeing is a graceful, nonpolluting water activity of historic, artistic, and recreational value; and
     WHEREAS, Indigenous inhabitants of Washington manufactured at least five different types of canoes, many with intricate carvings and designs, from native trees for transportation, food gathering, commerce, social events, combat, and recreation; and
     WHEREAS, Lewis and Clark made their monumental 1805-1806 Voyage of Discovery to the Pacific Northwest via dugout canoes; and
     WHEREAS, Canoeing is supported by related businesses, clubs, guidebooks, and marine and camping facilities;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Washington recognize the canoe for its past and future worth, and honor its significance to the citizens of Washington; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to Margaret Miller, avid canoe advocate and inspiration of this resolution, and to the Southwest Washington Canoe Club.