2626-S AMH VAND REIN 026





SHB 2626 - H AMD 1216

By Representative Van De Wege



   Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

   "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The employment security department shall conduct a study of options for suspending the waiting period requirement for individuals who are unemployed because of an emergency or disaster, and shall examine ways to mitigate the impacts, if any, of these options on the unemployment compensation system. The employment security department shall also forward information provided by the military department about other means of providing assistance to individuals impacted by an emergency or disaster. The employment security department shall report on its study to the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1, 2008."




EFFECT: Requires the Employment Security Department to forward information provided by the Military Department about other means of assisting individuals impacted by an emergency or disaster, rather than conduct a study of other means of compensating such individuals for lost wages.