2783-S2 AMH WALL SMIT 053





2SHB 2783 - H AMD 1047

By Representative Wallace

ADOPTED 2/13/2008


   On page 3, line 30, after "(1)" strike "The" and insert "Consistent with the statewide strategic master plan for higher education and to the extent necessary following implementation of web-based academic planning tools developed under section 6 of this act, the higher education coordinating board shall convene a"


   On page 3, line 30, after "act" strike "shall" and insert "to"


   On page 4, line 18, after "December" strike "2009" and insert "2011"


   On page 4, line 21, after "(1)" strike "The" and insert "Consistent with the statewide strategic master plan for higher education and to the extent necessary following implementation of web-based academic planning tools developed under section 6 of this act, the higher education coordinating board shall convene a"


   On page 4, line 21, after "act" strike "shall" and insert "to"


   On page 5, line 4, after "September" strike "2011" and insert "2009"


   On page 6, line 4, after "(1)" strike "The" and insert "Consistent with the schedule and work plans for implementation of the strategic master plan for higher education, the"


   On page 6, line 5, after "group" strike "that includes representatives" and insert "or assign an existing work group that includes broad representation"




EFFECT: Moves reporting dates related to the transfer student bill of rights, common course numbering, and transferrable course identification back by two years and specifies that work done in these areas is aligned with implementation time lines for the strategic master plan.