HOUSE RESOLUTION NO.4673, by Representatives Nelson, Conway, and Hankins

     WHEREAS, Washington state's 1.5 million children are the future of this state, and it is our duty and privilege to instill in them the faith, hope, charity, and integrity they need to continue the legacy of freedom, peace, and prosperity we have inherited from those who came before us; and
     WHEREAS, Children are the responsibility of their parents and all the citizens of the state of Washington should help them by setting an example of what it means to be a good neighbor, law-abiding citizen, productive worker, and helpful friend; and
     WHEREAS, The children of the state of Washington should have access to quality education, wholesome recreation, and a safe community; and
     WHEREAS, Children are valued members of society who bring joy, pride, and hope to this nation and its future; and
     WHEREAS, The children of the state of Washington should know that their ideas and dreams are valued and respected because we take time to listen and encourage; and
     WHEREAS, The obligations of the state of Washington to succeeding generations can only be fulfilled by increased efforts on behalf of the children of this state, who are the citizens of tomorrow; and
     WHEREAS, We welcome to the House of Representatives the children here today, the high school students serving as pages, and we hope their experience here inspires them to stay informed and involved in their democracy; and
     WHEREAS, The House of Representatives welcome children into the house chamber one day each year, so they may witness the legislative process;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives celebrate the children of the state of Washington and encourage all the citizens of Washington to celebrate children on Children's Day and throughout the year by spending more quality time with children and emphasizing their special place in our lives.

I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4673 adopted by the House of Representatives
January 21, 2008

Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk