HOUSE RESOLUTION NO.4692, by Representatives Rolfes, Hunter, Green, Warnick, Jarrett, Williams, Sullivan, Upthegrove, Appleton, Lantz, Orcutt, and Hankins

     WHEREAS, We recognize and honor on this day George Washington, the father of our country and our state's namesake, who led our country through the pains of its birth, and Abraham Lincoln, our sixteenth president, who was called upon to preserve and perpetuate our nation; and
     WHEREAS, George Washington, born February 22, 1732, led the Revolutionary Army with courage and fortitude, and then serving as the first president of these United States, defined the office and remained ever mindful of his actions and the ramifications carried by his deeds; and
     WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln, born February 12, 1809, is remembered for his connection with common men having risen from humble beginnings to our nation's highest office, and as the savior of the Union, spending his first term fighting the Civil War, and then turning at the war's conclusion to rebuilding the union and famously emphasizing "With malice toward none; with charity for all"; and
     WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln remains one of the most quoted presidents, having said of the relevant governing virtue of responsibility: "I freely acknowledge myself the servant of the people, according to the bond of service – the United States Constitution; and that, as such, I am responsible to them"; and
     WHEREAS, It was in 1968 when federal legislation, the "Monday Holidays Act," was passed to install the Presidents' Day celebration that we have come to know and respect; and
     WHEREAS, In 1985, the Washington State Legislature singled out the third Monday in February as a day for commemorating the births of Presidents Washington and Lincoln; and
     WHEREAS, These presidents remain among the finest examples of leadership, determination, and honor not only for political leaders but for citizens everywhere;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That on this eighteenth day of February 2008, the House of Representatives honor the first and sixteenth Presidents of these United States for their immeasurable contributions to, and noble sacrifices for, the cause of liberty, equality, and justice.

I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4692 adopted by the House of Representatives
February 18, 2008

Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk