SB 5224-S - DIGEST

Provides that the department, the department of ecology, the department of natural resources, the state conservation commission, and the governor's monitoring forum shall provide to the governor's salmon recovery office information requested by the office necessary to prepare the state of the salmon report and other reports produced by the office.

Provides that the governor's salmon recovery office is responsible for maintaining the statewide salmon recovery strategy to reflect applicable provisions of regional recovery plans, habitat protection and restoration plans, water quality plans, and other private, local, regional, state agency and federal plans, projects, and activities that contribute to salmon recovery.

Requires the governor's salmon recovery office to also work with regional salmon recovery organizations on salmon recovery issues in order to ensure a coordinated and consistent statewide approach to salmon recovery. The governor's salmon recovery office shall work with federal agencies to accomplish implementation of federal commitments in the recovery plans.

Finds that pursuant to chapter 298, Laws of 2001, and acting upon recommendations of the state's independent science panel, the monitoring oversight committee developed recommendations for a comprehensive statewide strategy for monitoring watershed health, with a focus upon salmon recovery, entitled The Washington Comprehensive Monitoring Strategy and Action Plan for Watershed Health and Salmon Recovery. The legislature further finds that funding to begin implementing the strategy and action plan was provided in the 2003-2005 biennial budget, and that executive order 04-03 was issued to coordinate state agency implementation activities. It is therefore the purpose of this act to adopt the strategy and action plan and to provide guidance to ensure that the coordination activities directed by executive order 04-03 are effectively carried out.