SB 5807-S - DIGEST

Requires the secretary of the department of social and health services to establish a pilot program, focusing on intensive child protective services training in two field offices of the children's administration. The training and supporting field work shall be attended by all child protective services workers assigned to the pilot sites and shall last for a total of ten days. In selecting the two field offices to participate in the program, the secretary shall endeavor to site one in an urban office and the other in a rural office.

Directs the joint legislative audit and review committee to begin evaluating the intensive child protective services training pilot program at least by December 30, 2007, and make a report to the legislature by December 30, 2009.

Requires the joint legislative audit and review committee to design its evaluation of the intensive child protective services training pilot program to determine if the pilot program: (1) Produces more efficient investigations, with reports being completed more quickly;

(2) Enhances staff morale and staff retention, as compared to other field offices;

(3) Generates higher quality reports, with documented evidence that clearly supports findings of abuse or neglect;

(4) Reduces the number of child abuse and neglect allegations involving the same children and families;

(5) Reduces the number of continuances or delays in court proceedings; or

(6) Reduces the number of dependency petitions that are dismissed because there is insufficient evidence or there are problems with case investigations or documentation.