Washington State Senate 1st Order

2007 Regular Session of the 60th Legislature
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate ROSA FRANKLIN, President Pro Tem
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem

Bill No.   Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SB 5009 f Biodiesel fuel for farm use WM DPS(ARED)19 RUL
SB 5026 f Wood waste boiler equipment WM DP19 DNP1 RUL
SB 5070 $ Offenders WM DP2S21 RUL
SB 5085 f Transportation-related accts WM DPS(TRAN)21 RUL
SB 5090 f Innovation partnership zones WM DP2S20 RUL
SB 5092 f Associate development org WM DP2S21 RUL
SB 5097 f Safe school plans WM DPS21 RUL
SB 5098 Opportunities scholarship WM DP2S21 RUL
SB 5114 f Student transportation WM DP2S19 DNP2 RUL
SB 5115 f Local infrastructure finance WM DP2S19 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5116 f Tourism partnership WM DPS(EDTM)20 RUL
SB 5143 f Open space program WM DPS17 DNP1 w/oRec3 RUL
SB 5151 f Youth athletic coaches WM DPS17 w/oRec3 RUL
SB 5155 $f Passport to college program WM DP2S21 RUL
SB 5164 $f Veterans conservation corps WM DP2S20 RUL
SB 5169 International relations WM DP2S20 RUL
SB 5184 f Public facilities districts WM DPS(EDTM)13 DNP1 RUL
SB 5187 f Property tax valuation WM DPS11 w/oRec7 RUL
SB 5224 f Salmon recovery office WM DPS(NROR)21 RUL
SB 5238 f Light & power businesses WM DPS(WET)21 RUL
SB 5239 f Mathematics assessment WM DPS(EDU)15 w/oRec5 RUL
SB 5244 f Deficit reduction act WM DPS(HSC)20 RUL
SB 5245 f Foster children WM DPS(HSC)20 RUL
SB 5279 f Children's health WM DPA(HEA)12 DNP1 w/oRec7 RUL
SB 5285 f Residential services WM DPS(HEA)20 RUL
SB 5320 f Public guardianship office WM DPS(JUD)16 w/oRec4 RUL
SB 5321 Child welfare WM w/oRec21 RUL
SB 5346 f Judgments against offenders WM DPS11 DNP1 w/oRec7 RUL
SB 5372 f Puget Sound partnership WM DPS(WET)14 w/oRec6 RUL
SB 5381 Dependent children WM DP2S21 RUL
SB 5390 f Public facilities districts WM DP15 RUL
SB 5431 f Agricultural commodities WM DP17 RUL
SB 5440 f Public facilities districts WM DPS14 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5454 f Rural public utility dist WM DP18 DNP1 RUL
SB 5455 $f Community revitalization WM DP2S21 RUL
SB 5467 f Developmental disabilities WM DP2S15 w/oRec5 RUL
SB 5470 $f Dissolution proceedings WM DP2S19 RUL
SB 5493 f Forest products businesses WM DPS17 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5498 f Local taxing districts WM DP13 DNP2 w/oRec6 RUL
SB 5509 f Health care providers WM DP2S20 RUL
SB 5522 Rural county library dist WM DPS16 DNP2 w/oRec3 RUL
SB 5528 f Mathematics education WM DP2S19 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5533 f Mental illness WM DPS(HSC)21 RUL
SB 5542 f Heritage barn preservation WM DPS(ARED)16 RUL
SB 5557 f Economic dev facilities WM DP2S19 RUL
SB 5563 f Mental health professionals WM DP20 RUL
SB 5568 f City lodging taxes WM DPS(ARED)17 RUL
SB 5572 f Excise tax relief WM DP12 w/oRec4 RUL
SB 5586 $f Cleaner energy WM DP2S12 w/oRec9 RUL
SB 5589 f LEOFFRS plan 2 medical WM DPS18 RUL
SB 5597 f Contracts with chiropractors WM DP2S16 w/oRec2 RUL
SB 5616 f Health sciences and services WM DPS20 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5643 $f Incarcerated parents WM DP2S21 RUL
SB 5653 f Self-employment assistance WM DPS(EDTM)20 RUL
SB 5659 f Family & medical leave ins WM DP2S12 DNP6 RUL
SB 5712 $f State health insurance pool WM DP2S21 RUL
SB 5714 Spanish & Chinese languages WM DPS(EDU)19 DNP1 RUL
SB 5768 f Financial information WM DPS17 DNP3 RUL
SB 5774 f Background checks WM DPS(HSC)20 RUL
SB 5790 f Skill centers WM DP2S21 RUL
SB 5805 f Grain elevators WM DP2S11 DNP3 RUL
SB 5806 f Higher education costs WM DP2S20 DNP1 RUL
SB 5813 f Math and science education WM DP2S13 w/oRec8 RUL
SB 5828 f Early child development WM DP2S21 RUL
SB 5841 f Student learning WM DP2S18 w/oRec3 RUL
SB 5843 f Educational data WM DP2S20 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5859 f Retail liquor license WM DP2S14 DNP1 RUL
SB 5862 f Passenger-only ferry service WM DP2S15 w/oRec5 RUL
SB 5883 f Forest land WM DP2S21 RUL
SB 5894 f Large on-site sewage systems WM DPS(WET)21 RUL
SB 5902 f Liquor sales on Sunday WM DP16 DNP2 w/oRec2 RUL
SB 5903 f Quinault Indian Reservation WM DPS17 RUL
SB 5905 Capital authorization cert WM DPS20 RUL
SB 5923 f Aquatic invasive species WM DP2S21 RUL
SB 5926 f Construction industry WM DP20 RUL
SB 5930 f Blue ribbon comm/health care WM DP2S15 w/oRec6 RUL
SB 5955 f Educator preparation WM DP2S17 w/oRec3 RUL
SB 5958 Primary health care delivery WM DP2S20 RUL
SB 5967 f Vehicle sale to nonresident WM DPS16 RUL
SB 5980 f Nursing & boarding homes WM DPS(HEA)17 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5995 $f Economic development comm WM DP2S20 RUL
SB 6016 WorkFirst program WM DP2S13 DNP1 w/oRec5 RUL
SB 6044 Derelict vessels WM DP2S19 w/oRec2 RUL
SB 6081 Outdoor burning WM DPS18 RUL
SB 6083 f Medical information WM DPS(HEA)20 RUL
SB 6107 Pipeline capacity WM DP18 RUL
SB 6117 Reclaimed water WM DP2S11 w/oRec9 RUL
SB 6119 f Fire service training acct WM DP21 RUL
SB 6141 Forest health T.O. WM DPS(NROR)21 RUL
SJR 8210 f Homestead exemption WM DPS11 DNP1 w/oRec6 RUL