Washington State Senate 1st Order

2007 Regular Session of the 60th Legislature
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate ROSA FRANKLIN, President Pro Tem
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem

Bill No.   Description Committee Inf. Ref.
2SHB 1088 f Children's mental health HSC DPA7 WM
ESHB 1092 $ Capital budget WM DPA21 RUL
SHB 1098 Vaccines HEA DPA8 RUL
2SHB 1106 f Hospital acquired infections HEA DPA8 WM
SHB 1128 $ Operating budget 2007-09 WM DPA13 DNP6 w/oRec1 RUL
SHB 1138 General obligation bonds WM DP21 RUL
SHB 1141 Diversion records HSC DPA5 w/oRec2 RUL
EHB 1214 f Text messaging while driving TRAN DPA10 DNP4 RUL
SHB 1256 Window blind cords HSC DP5 w/oRec1, On motion referred to WM WM
SHB 1319 f Correctional agency employee HSC DPA7 RUL
SHB 1333 f Child welfare HSC DPA7 WM
2SHB 1334 f Child welfare proceedings HSC DPA7 WM
E2SHB 1359 f Affordable housing CPH DPA6 DNP2 WM
EHB 1379 Hearing instrument fitter HEA DP7 RUL
E2SHB 1595 f Shellfish protection NROR DPA9 WM
HB 1598 Salmon recovery NROR DPA9 RUL
ESHB 1624 f Child welfare HSC DPA6, On motion referred to WM WM
2SHB 1636 f Development rights NROR DPA9 WM
SHB 1651 f Boating activities NROR DPA8 WM
EHB 1667 f Health professions lic fees HEA DP8 WM
SHB 1682 f Juvenile sex offenders HSC DPA7 RUL
E2SHB 1910 f Multi-dwelling units CPH DPA9 WM
2SHB 1922 f Youth housing program HSC DPA5 w/oRec1 WM
SHB 2049 Marine resource committees NROR DPA9 RUL
SHB 2118 f Mobile/manufactured homes CPH DPA8, On motion referred to RULES RUL
2SHB 2220 f Shellfish NROR DPA8 DNP1 WM
HJM 4016 Children's health insurance HEA DP8 RUL