EHB 1227

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

C 79 L 09

Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Concerning recreational vehicles used as primary residences in manufactured/mobile home communities.

Sponsors: Representatives Springer, Warnick, Johnson, Liias, McCune, Ormsby and Morrell.

House Committee on Local Government & Housing

Senate Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Insurance


Cities, towns, code cities, and counties may not enact any ordinance that has the effect of discriminating against consumer decisions to locate a home unless the ordinance is equally applicable to all homes. Local governments, however, may require that manufactured homes be new and that they comply with all local design standards.

Additionally, statutes allowing jurisdictions to place age and design criteria on manufactured housing apply only to housing to be sited in:


With limited exceptions, cities, towns, counties, and code cities are prohibited from adopting ordinances that restrict the entry or require the removal of recreational vehicles used as primary residences in manufactured/mobile home communities. Exceptions to this prohibition are allowed if the recreational vehicle fails to comply with fire, safety, or other local ordinances or state laws related to recreational vehicles. Additionally, local governments enacting an ordinance that does either of the following are exempted from the prohibition:

Votes on Final Passage:








July 26, 2009