SB 6593

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

C 233 L 10

Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Transferring the administration of the infant and toddler early intervention program from the department of social and health services to the department of early learning.

Sponsors: Senators Gordon, Kauffman, Prentice, Oemig, Tom, Kline and Parlette.

Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education

House Committee on Early Learning & Children's Services

House Committee on Ways & Means

Background: Part C of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) authorizes grants to states to assist them in planning, developing, and implementing statewide systems of coordinated, comprehensive, multidisciplinary, interagency early intervention services for infants and toddlers and their families.

Currently in Washington State, the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) administers Part C's early intervention services under the Infant Toddler Early Intervention Program (ITEIP). Early intervention provides services for infants and toddlers, birth to age three, who have disabilities and/or developmental delays. Eligible infants and toddlers and their families are entitled to individualized, quality early intervention services.

Under Washington law, as of September 1, 2009, every school district is required to provide or contract for early intervention services to eligible children from birth to age three. Under Part C of the IDEA, when the child turns three, services end. However, states are required to ensure that toddlers receiving early intervention services have a smooth transition to preschool. IDEA, Part B, is available to all children with disabilities between the ages of three and 21.

Summary: The Department of Early Learning (DEL) is directed to serve as the state lead agency for Part C of IDEA.

ITEIP is renamed the Early Support for Infants and Toddlers Program. All powers, duties, and functions of DSHS pertaining to ITEIP are transferred to DEL. Additionally, any of the following pertaining to ITEIP are also transferred from DSHS to DEL:

Whenever any question arises about the transfer of any property used for ITEIP, the Director of Financial Management must make a determination regarding the proper allocation.

All employees of DSHS working on ITEIP are transferred to DEL's jurisdiction. All classified employees at DSHS whose positions are within an existing bargaining unit must become part of the bargaining unit at DEL. All rules and pending business must continue to be acted upon and transferred to DEL. All existing contracts and obligations must remain in full force and be performed by DEL.

Votes on Final Passage:







(House amended)




(Senate concurred)


July 1, 2010