SB 6175

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

C 122 L 12

Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Establishing a government-to-government relationship between state government and federally recognized Indian tribes.

Sponsors: Senators Pridemore, Swecker, Prentice, Shin, Sheldon, Kline and Chase.

Senate Committee on Government Operations, Tribal Relations & Elections

House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs

Background: State governors have entered into agreements with federally-recognized Indian tribes to facilitate improved government-to-government relations. These agreements include:

The Governor's Office of Indian Affairs (GOIA) advises the Governor on matters involving tribes and serves as a liaison between the state and tribal governments.

Many state elected officials and agencies have designated officers to serve as tribal liaisons.

Summary: In establishing a government-to-government relationship with tribes, state elected officials and agencies must:

Tribal liaisons must:

At least annually, the Governor and other statewide elected officials must meet with tribal leaders to address issues of mutual concern.

The Governor must maintain a current list of tribal liaisons and tribal leaders with contact information that is available to the public.

Votes on Final Passage:








June 7, 2012