62nd Legislature - 2012 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore

Bills Reported Out Of Committee

January 31, 2012 - Tuesday 23rd Day 2012 Regular Session
2nd Supplemental
Bill No. Description Committee Ref. Ref.
HB 1157 f Forest practices permitting AGNR DPS10 DNP2 APPG
HB 1297 f Water right beneficial use AGNR DP8 DNP4 RUL
HB 1508 Sport shooting ranges JUDI DPS13 RUL
HB 1755 f Humane treatment of dogs JUDI DPS7 DNP6 RUL
HB 1983 f Prostitution crime fees PSEP DPS11 RUL
HB 2010 Title insurance rate filings BFS DPS0 DNP2 RUL
HB 2162 f Shoreland areas and permits LG DPS8 DNP1 RUL
HB 2198 f Renewable energy systems TEC DPS10 DNP9 RUL
HB 2209 f Alt. learning experiences ED DPS17 DNP4 WAYS
HB 2211 f Adoptee information access JUDI DPS13 APPH
HB 2230 f Administrative law judges SGTA DPS7 DNP4 WAYS
HB 2244 Airstrips JUDI DP13 RUL
HB 2261 Eye glasses/donations JUDI DPS13 RUL
HB 2267 f Sewer systems LG DPS7 DNP2 RUL
HB 2270 Traffic safety camera signs TR DPS28 RUL
HB 2271 Transit passes/personal info SGTA DP9 DNP2 RUL
HB 2272 f Antifreeze products BFS DPS8 DNP4 RUL
HB 2274 Tow truck operators' costs TR DP28 RUL
HB 2298 f Restraints, use on juveniles ELHS DPS5 DNP4 APPG
HB 2314 Long-term care workers HCW DPS11 RUL
HB 2320 f State officers/transactions PSEP DPS11 APPG
HB 2329 f Encumbered st. forest lands CB DP11 RUL
HB 2335 Science and public policy ENVI DPS17 APPG
HB 2344 f Corporate officers LWD DPS13 RUL
HB 2347 Spring blade knives JUDI DPS13 RUL
HB 2348 f Workforce development system LWD DP10 DNP3 WAYS
HB 2349 f Beavers AGNR DPS12 APPG
HB 2353 Tow truck operators/lunch TR DP28 RUL
HB 2354 f Stolen property trafficking PSEP DPS11 APPG
HB 2359 f Industrial insurance/medical LWD DPS8 DNP5 RUL
HB 2361 f Usage-based auto insurance BFS DPS11 DNP1 RUL
HB 2364 f Fish & wildlife enforcement AGNR DP12 WAYS
HB 2365 f Large wild carnivores AGNR DPS12 APPG
HB 2383 Debt adjuster BFS DPS11 DNP1 RUL
HB 2395 f Drayage truck operators LWD DPS7 DNP6 RUL
HB 2407 Structured settlement agrmnt SGTA DPS6 DNP5 RUL
HB 2410 Real estate trans/wells BFS DP7 DNP5 RUL
HB 2412 f WISHA employee protections LWD DP7 DNP6 RUL
HB 2413 f Pesticide drift LWD DPS7 DNP6 APPH
HB 2415 Water rights transfer AGNR DP10 w/oRec2 RUL
HB 2420 f Insurance comm/study, report HCW DP11 RUL
HB 2431 Industrial insurance laws LWD DPS8 DNP5 RUL
HB 2437 f Early supp security income APPH DP11 RUL
HB 2442 f Medicare supp insurance HCW DP11 RUL
HB 2448 f High-quality early learning ELHS DPS7 DNP2 WAYS
HB 2450 f Rechargeable batteries ENVI DPS10 DNP7 APPG
HB 2456 Ag & livestock information SGTA DP11 RUL
HB 2457 f Specialty producer licenses BFS DP12 RUL
HB 2464 f Stalking protection orders JUDI DPS12 APPG
HB 2488 Class A biosolids/municipal ENVI DP9 DNP8 RUL
HB 2491 f Unemplymnt experience rating LWD DPS12 DNP1 RUL
HB 2503 Veterans & national guard HE DPS15 w/oRec1 APPE
HB 2509 f Blueprint for safety program LWD DP13 RUL
HB 2536 f Children/services delivery ELHS DPS6 DNP3 WAYS
HB 2538 f School districts ED DPS11 WAYS
HB 2548 f Military members & families PSEP DP11 RUL
HB 2561 Water delivery/ski facilties AGNR DP11 DNP1 RUL
HB 2565 f Roll your own cigarettes BFS DPS9 DNP3 WAYS
HB 2567 Conservation districts LG DPS8 DNP1 APPG
HB 2570 f Metal property theft PSEP DPS11 RUL
HB 2574 Persons w/disabilities tabs TR DPS28 RUL
HB 2580 f Lifelong learning program LWD DP8 DNP5 RUL
HB 2586 Kindergarten inventory ED DP19 DNP2 WAYS
HB 2588 f DNA markers database PSEP DPS8 DNP3 RUL
HB 2592 f Extended foster care ELHS DPS8 DNP1 WAYS
HB 2594 f Criminal street gangs PSEP DPS9 DNP1 RUL
HB 2600 f Rock collecting AGNR DPS12 APPG
HB 2603 Juvenile offender sentencing ELHS DPS9 RUL
HB 2605 f Water pollution control fee CB DPS11 RUL
HB 2608 f Early learning guidelines ELHS DPS8 DNP1 APPE
HB 2614 Short sales/residual debts JUDI DPS12 RUL
HB 2615 Fire protection services LG DPS8 DNP1 WAYS
HB 2618 f Marine management planning AGNR DP8 DNP4 CB
HB 2622 Workers' primary language LWD DPS8 DNP5 RUL
HB 2638 County assessors' offices LG DPS9 WAYS
HB 2641 f County and city operations LG DPS7 DNP2 JUDI
HB 2650 f Salmonid hatchery management AGNR DPS12 RUL
HB 2658 f Child care providers/schools ELHS DPS9 RUL
HB 2668 f Bail practices PSEP DPS9 DNP1 RUL
HB 2669 Payment of prevailing wages LWD DPS8 DNP5 RUL
HB 2688 f Electric generation targets ENVI DPS11 DNP4 RUL
HB 2692 f Commercial sale of sex PSEP DPS10 RUL
HB 2698 Life insurance policy owners BFS DP11 DNP1 RUL
HB 2701 f Language access providers LWD DP8 DNP5 WAYS
HB 2711 f Language access providers LWD DP13 WAYS
HB 2717 Higher education innovations HE DPS15 DNP1 APPE
HB 2721 Flood control zone districts LG DP6 DNP3 RUL
HB 2735 Intermediate capital projcts CB DP10 DNP1 RUL
HB 2741 Health care/tortious conduct JUDI DP13 RUL
HB 2748 Ferry and flood districts LG DP6 DNP3 WAYS
HJM 4015 Columbia R. gorge commission APPG DP8 DNP4 RUL
HJM 4017 US and Canada action plans CDH DPS9 RUL