Washington State Senate 1st Order

2012 Regular Session of the 62nd Legislature
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate MARGARITA PRENTICE, President Pro Tem
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem

February 21, 2012 - Tuesday 44TH DAY
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
ESHB 1627 Boundary review boards GO DPA4 DNP1 w/oRec1 RULE
SHB 1700 Transportation projects TRAN DPA12 w/oRec2 RULE
HB 1833 f Motorcycle safety ed board TRAN DP14 RULE
SHB 1852 Sewer utility charges/lien GO DP5 DNP2 RULE
HB 2138 Korean war vet armistice day GO DP7 RULE
SHB 2181 Washington state guard GO DP7 RULE
HB 2274 Tow truck operators' costs TRAN DP13 RULE
HB 2283 Special parking/disabilities TRAN DP12 RULE
SHB 2299 f 4-H special license plates TRAN DPA13 RULE
HB 2305 Public improvement contracts GO DP4 DNP1 w/oRec1 RULE
ESHB 2330 f Termination of pregnancy HEA DP5 DNP3, On motion referred to WM WM
ESHB 2341 f Hospitals/community benefits HEA DP5 w/oRec3 RULE
HB 2400 f Habitual traffic offenders TRAN DP11 RULE
ESHB 2502 f Forest land classification GO DP7 WM
HB 2524 f Military spouses & partners GO DP7 RULE
HB 2705 Legislative support services WM DP16 RULE
ESHB 2747 Fire service training acct WM DP17 RULE
SHB 2757 Accounts WM DP17 RULE