Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



State Government Committee

HB 2707

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Brief Description: Concerning voter preregistration of persons seventeen years of age including designating voter registration locations and voter preregistration locations.

Sponsors: Representatives Bergquist, Stambaugh, Holy, Kagi, Pettigrew, Zeiger, Fitzgibbon, Walkinshaw, Muri, Cody, Frame, Reykdal, Stanford, Jinkins, Fey, Tarleton, Kilduff, Ormsby, Pollet and Goodman; by request of Secretary of State.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Allows 17 year olds to preregister to vote that will make the person eligible to vote when he or she turns 18 years old.

Hearing Date: 1/27/16

Staff: Sean Flynn (786-7124).


Every person must register in order to vote in any election. Registration requires an applicant to complete an application with information concerning his or her qualifications to vote. The state Constitution requires a person to be at least 18 years old to vote.

A person may register to vote in person, by mail, online, or when applying for services or assistance at certain agencies designated by the governor. A person also may register to vote when applying for or renewing his or her driver's license.

The Secretary of State maintains a statewide voter registration database that is the official list of registered voters for all elections. The database includes voter information received on registration forms. The county auditor maintains possession of original voter registration records. Voter registration files are available for public inspection.

Summary of Bill:

A person who is 17 years old may preregister to vote, which will allow the person to vote when he or she turns 18 years old. A person who applies to preregister must acknowledge that he or she will not vote until they are 18 years old.

A person may preregister to vote in person, by mail, online, or when applying for a driver's license. Preregistered voter information must be separated from the statewide voter registration database until the preregistered voter is 18 years old. Voter preregistration material maintained by the county auditor or the Secretary of State is not subject to public inspection until the applicant is 18 years old.

County auditors with a budget for outreach activities must coordinate an annual event in senior high school social studies or history classes that encourages voter registration and registration for students 17 years old or older. Students must be given time at the event to complete registration or preregistration applications.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Available.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.