Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs Committee

HB 2044

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Brief Description: Concerning the hosting of the homeless by religious organizations.

Sponsors: Representatives McBride, Peterson, Robinson, Orwall, Chapman, Kloba, Santos and Pollet.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Creates new limitations for counties, cities or towns, and code cities when regulating a religious organization's ability to host homeless persons on property it owns or controls.

  • Allows counties, cities or towns, and code cities to enact ordinances or regulations requiring a three-month separation of time between established tent encampments, and limiting simultaneous religious organization hostings.

  • Requires a hosting religious organization and managing agency to enter into an agreement regarding the health and safety of both the residents of the particular hosting and county residents.

  • Requires hosting religious organizations working with a managing agency to use the state Homeless Client Management Information System.

Hearing Date: 2/15/17

Staff: Kirsten Lee (786-7133).


In City of Woodinville v. Northshore United Church of Christ, the Washington State Supreme Court held that the City of Woodinville violated a church's right to free exercise of religion under Article I, section 11 of the state Constitution when the city refused to consider the church's application to host a homeless encampment. The Court held that the refusal infringed upon the church's free exercise of religion without any justification because the City of Woodinville created a substantial burden on the church's ability to host an encampment for homeless persons on its property. The City of Woodinville failed to demonstrate that not allowing the church to apply to host an encampment was a narrow means to achieve a compelling goal. The City of Woodinville also provided no alternative for the church.

In the Court's discussion, the Court mentioned that a city may regulate encampments located on a religious organization's property for the purposes of mediating concerns regarding safety, noise, and crime.

Temporary Encampments for the Homeless.

In 2010 legislation was enacted permitting religious organizations to host temporary encampments for homeless persons on any property owned or controlled by a religious organization. A "religious organization" means the federally protected practice of a recognized religious assembly, school, or institution that owns or controls real property.

Counties, cities, and towns may only regulate a religious organization regarding encampments for homeless persons on its property for purposes necessary to protect the health and safety of the public and may not substantially burden the decisions or actions of a religious organization regarding the location of encampments on the religious organization's property.

Counties, cities, and towns may not enact an ordinance or regulation or take any action that:

Safe Parking Programs.

Safe parking programs allow homeless persons and families to park their vehicles in church parking lots overnight as an alternative to shelter and provide access to restrooms. In addition, some safe parking programs provide housing services, community meals, access to microwaves, clothing drives, and opportunities to connect with a congregational community.

Department of Commerce: Homeless Management Information System and Continuum of Care.

The Department of Commerce (Department) manages the statewide Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), which is a database used to provide accurate counts of homeless clients in the state and assessments of services that are needed. Some service providers independently collect information on their homeless clients and input the information into a HMIS, but the Department assists counties or agencies that do not have a HMIS set up. The Department also works with counties to submit applications for the annual federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care competition. The competition provides grant funding to nonprofit agencies and state and local governments for homelessness efforts. To be eligible for federal homeless assistance funding, agencies must participate in a HMIS.

Summary of Bill:

Religious organization homeless hostings include tent encampments, temporary small houses on site, indoor overnight shelters, or vehicle resident safe parking on property owned or controlled by a religious organization.

Actual costs pertaining to permit fees must be reasonable and do not include departmental overhead. Actual permit costs will be reasonable if they do not cause an undue burden to the permit applicant.

Counties, cities or towns, and code cities may not enact an ordinance or regulation or take other action that limits a religious organization's:

Counties, cities or towns, and code cities may, however:

A county, city or town, or code city must enact an ordinance or take other action to require a hosting religious organization and a managing agency using the religious organization's property to enter into a written agreement to protect the health and safety of encampment residents and residents of the respective jurisdiction. Such a written agreement must include the encampment residents' ability to access social services on site and interact with the hosting religious organization.  It must also include a code of conduct approved to by the managing agency, hosting religious organization, and all volunteer working at the encampment.

A hosting religious organization and its managing agency are required to work with the county or city to use the state HMIS managed by the Department. If a hosting religious organization does not work with a managing agency, it is encouraged to partner with a provider that uses the HMIS. Any managing agency receiving funding from local Continuum of Care programs must utilize the HMIS. Temporary, overnight, extreme-weather shelters are exempt from this requirement.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.