SB 5359

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

C 184 L 17

Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Requiring annual reporting on the implementation of laws to streamline licensing processes for military service members and their spouses.

Sponsors: Senators Conway, Zeiger, Bailey, Rolfes, Hobbs and Kuderer.

Senate Committee on State Government

House Committee on Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs

Background: In 2011, the Legislature passed three bills modifying professional licensing procedures for military spouses and veterans.

Use of Military Training or Experience. Two bills authorize the use of military training and experience in certain Department of Licensing (DOL)- and Department of Health (DOH)-regulated professions. Military training or experience satisfies training and experience requirements to obtain certain professional licenses unless DOL or DOH determines that the applicant's specific training is not substantially equivalent to state standards.

DOL-regulated professions subject to this provisions are architects, cosmetologists, barbers, manicurists, estheticians, engineers, land surveyors, security guards, auctioneers, embalmers and funeral directors, real estate brokers and managing brokers, landscape architects, appraisers, court reporters, private investigators, bail bond agents, on-site wastewater treatment system designers, geologists, home inspectors, body piercing and tattooing licensees, camping resort salespersons, notaries public, driver training school instructors, timeshare salespersons, and professional athletic licensees.

DOH-regulated professions subject to this provision are dispensing opticians, ocularists, osteopathic physician assistants, pharmacy assistants, physician assistants, emergency medical technicians, physical therapists, radiologic technologists, nursing assistants, respiratory care practitioners, health care assistants, surgical technologists, dental assistants, and denturists.

Expedited Licensing for Military Spouses. A third bill requires each professional authority responsible for licensing, certifying, registering, or issuing a permit to perform a professional service in this state to establish procedures to expedite the issuance of a license, certificate, or permit to a person:

The procedure must include a process for issuing the person a license, certificate, registration, or permit, if, in the opinion of the regulating authority, the requirements for licensing in the other state are substantially equivalent to that required in Washington.

Each professional authority must develop a method to authorize a person who meets the established criteria to receive a temporary license. The temporary license allows the person to perform services regulated by the authority while completing any specific requirements that may be required in this state that were not required in the other state, unless the authority finds that the requirements of the other state are substantially unequal to the standards in this state.

Summary: DOH and DOL regulating authorities must report on their efforts to implement the above legislation modifying professional licensing procedures for military spouses and veterans:

The Department of Labor and Industries and the Professional Educator Standards Board must each submit a report to the Legislature by January 1, 2018, which includes an assessment on how their respective licensing, certification, and apprenticeship programs apply out-of-state training and experience, and whether those programs should be included in the same reporting schedules as DOL and DOH.

Votes on Final Passage:







(House amended)




(Senate concurred)


July 23, 2017