Washington State Senate 1st Order

2017 Regular Session of the 65th Legislature
CYRUS HABIB, President of the Senate TIM SHELDON, President Pro Tem
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate JIM HONEYFORD, Vice President Pro Tem

March 22, 2017 - Wednesday 73RD DAY
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SB 5254 f Buildable lands & zoning WM DP2S17 DNP3 w/oRec2 RULE
SB 5594 f People w/devel. disabilities WM DP2S13 DNP5 w/oRec4 RULE
SB 5646 f Resident'l habilitation ctrs WM DP15 w/oRec4 DNP1 RULE
SB 5715 f Nursing home payments WM DP22 DNP1 RULE
SB 5809 f Court filing fees surcharge LAW w/oRec7 WM
SB 5815 f Hospital safety net assess. WM DPS23 RULE
SB 5864 $f Ending homelessness WM DPS13 DNP10 RULE
SB 5890 Foster care and adoption WM DPS13 w/oRec9 RULE
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
HB 1166 f Fire district tax levies LGOV DP5 WM
SHB 1235 Physical edu. assessments EDU DP6 RULE
SHB 1346 f Nurse in school setting EDU DP6 RULE
SHB 1347 f Countywide port district LGOV DP5 RULE
SHB 1445 f Dual language/early & K-12 EDU DP6 WM
E2SHB 1612 $f Lethal means, reduce access HSMH DP7 WM
SHB 1624 Working connect. child care HSMH DP6 DNP1 WM
EHB 1654 f Teacher certification EDU DP6 RULE
SHB 1683 Sewer service/growth areas LGOV DP5 RULE
E2SHB 1713 f Children's mental health HSMH DP6 DNP1 WM
HB 1732 f Educator professional growth EDU DP6 RULE
HB 1734 f Substitute teachers/PESB EDU DP6 RULE
SHB 1741 f Educator prep. data/PESB EDU DP6 WM
SHB 1747 Withdrawal of land AWTE DP11, On motion referred to WM WM
E2SHB 1819 Children's mental health HSMH DPA7, On motion referred to WM WM
SHB 1825 f Family assessment responses HSMH DP7 WM
SHB 1863 Fire incident reporting sys. LGOV DP5 WM
HB 1931 f Mandated reporter posting HSMH DP6 w/oRec1 RULE
EHB 2073 f Beef commission AWTE DP11 RULE
ESHB 2121 f TANF/nonparent caregivers HSMH DP6 DNP1 WM
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SGA 9059 JANIS AVERY, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC6 RULE
SGA 9105 NANCY J. SINKOVITZ, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC6 RULE
SGA 9139 ALLIE M. JOINER, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC6 RULE
SGA 9144 MARIBEL VILCHEZ, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC6 RULE
SGA 9188 ARIELE P. BELO, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC6 RULE
SGA 9189 MICHELLE FARRELL, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC6 RULE
SGA 9196 CHARLOTTE A. PARSLEY, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC6 RULE
SGA 9229 MONA H. BAILEY, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC6 RULE
SGA 9236 RICARDO E. SANCHEZ, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC6 RULE
SGA 9250 JAY M. BALASBAS, Member, Utilities and Transportation Commission EET BC9 RULE